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So More Handsome, This Is How Faramis Revamp Skin Looks!

Revamp Skin Faramis

So More Handsome, This Is How Faramis Revamp Skin Looks!

Faramis will indeed get a revamp soon. Both the default appearance (without skin) and the Normal skin will be changed to be more handsome.

For those who are curious about how handsome Faramis is on his Normal skin, just check it below, OK.

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Faramis Revamp Skin Appearance

Faramis is the only (old) hero who doesn’t get a new skin other than the Normal skin. So, changing the Faramis skin is very easy because you only need to change the Normal skin like Faramis’ revamp hero.

From the looks of it, Faramis became more handsome and younger even though he still showed the sinister side of Faramis.

Seen in the revamp skin, Faramis’ face is covered by a mask on one side and has a costume with the dominant color purple.

Of course, this is a significant change and SPIN Esports is quite sure that Faramis will become one of the strongest heroes in the future. Because in terms of appearance it is very cool, and the skills are also changed to be more useful.

The Normal Skin has been leaked, we think it’s very cool and handsome without removing the dark side of Faramis’ character. It’s just a matter of waiting, how does Faramis’ hero look without a skin, of course it will be cooler. According to previous leaks, significant changes have been shown that he looks much younger.

For information regarding this, wait for further news, Spinners, we will definitely update later. According to news reports, this revamp will be available in June after the arrival of the new hero Julian in May 2022. Meanwhile, the new hero will be present in July 2022.

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