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How to Check Your Own Axis Latest Number

How to Check Your Own Latest Axis Number – For those of you who often forget your own cellphone number, especially the Axis card, we have the best solution for you on how to check the latest axis number. what is an axis card before? An Axis card is a sim card that is placed on a smartphone so that it can be used for communication or the internet. The development of telecommunications technology is currently growing very rapidly, one of which is AXIS.

Axis is one of the GSM or starter pack providers that is currently popular in Indonesia, because the Axis internet package is economical, and other packages are also promos, this causes the Axis card to become the choice of Indonesian people. the most popular promo right now is on the axis hitz card, the axis hitz card even without credit and quota you can use it for BBM, Line, and Whatsapp as much as you like every day. then how to check the axis number itself if we forget?

How to Check Axis Card Number?

Well that’s about the axis card. Previously, on this occasion, we will share a little tutorial about how to number the axis on each of your androids. Before going into how to check the axis number, how can we forget our own cellphone number? We can forget our cellphone numbers for several reasons, among others, we often buy cards that already contain internet packages because they are cheaper than buying credit, then for other reasons you don’t memorize your own axis numbers. From these problems, we will share a tutorial for you, namely how to check your own axis number on Android.

Also Read: How to Check the Latest Axis Internet Quota

How to Check the Latest Axis Number

The steps you have to prepare are very easy, to check the latest axis number you don’t need any application to find out the axis number on your own Android. However, you can simply use our short method. ok, let’s just discuss the following How to check the axis number.

  • The first way, it’s quite easy and simple, you just enter the dial phone and type *123*7*5# later will appear directly your own axis number that you use on the cellphone. how easy and simple isn’t it? How to check this axis number you can do on Axis Gaol, Hitz and other cards.
  • The second way, which is also no less simple, is that you enter the dial phone and type *2# then press yes / call, your axis number will appear automatically. This method is quite easy and simpler than the method above.
  • The third way, you can check the axis number by entering the dial phone and then typing *123*10# Later, there will be information about the axis number that you are currently using, how easy is it not to check the latest axis number.

How easy is it not for how to check the axis number? You can use the above method to check your own axis number on your own Android phone.

Conclusion :

That’s a little way to check the latest axis number, for those of you who have difficulty checking the axis number, you can ask in the comments column below. You can apply the above method to the Axis Gaol card, Axis Hitz, Axis KZL or others, but we recommend the method above if method 1 doesn’t work you can use the other method that we have provided above. well that’s all about how to check your axis number, hope it helps you regarding your axis number, in the end we remind you once again to always remember your cellphone number or you can screenshot your cellphone number when it’s checked, so that later when it’s urgent you can know regarding your own axis number. Hope it is useful.