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There will be 160 new skins in League of Legends throughout 2021

There will be 160 new skins in League of Legends throughout 2021

Riot Games continues to take League of Legends seriously. Realizing that LoL is their top product, updates continue to be made.

Entering 2021, not only new patches have appeared, but Riot has promised something that will make LoL fans enthusiastic.

This is related to the champion skins which will certainly be more diverse. In a video released, Riot confirmed that at least 120 new skins would appear in 2021.

This number is certainly the highest, looking at 2021 there were 100 skins released.

As is known, entering 2021 there are Mecha Kingdoms skin sets for Garen, Leona, Draven, Sett, and Jaxx. Some champions who seemed to be forgotten also got skins.

Skarner, for example. The last Champions to get a 2021 skin pad will get a new version in 2021. Likewise with Xerath, Mordekaiser, Kindred, Rek’Sai, Vel’Koz, Karthus, Sion, Twitch, Taric, Pantheon, Nautilus, Trundle, Bard, Ornn, and Taliya. Don’t forget the popular champions like Lux, Ezreal, Ahri, and Kai’Sa.

Source: ONEsports