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Best Build for Beidou in Genshin Impact

Beidou is one of the characters Genshin Impact which is quite unique. He is the only character that has a counter and parry mechanism. Because of his abilities, he needs to be played with optimal calculations and timings in order to play a maximum role. But at the same time thanks to his abilities, Beidou also quite flexible and can perform multiple roles.

Best Build for Beidou in Genshin Impact

In this article, we will discuss weapon builds and Artifact best for Beidou in Genshin Impact.



Thanks to his Elemental Skills and Burst, Beidou can be a flexible character and is suitable for multiple roles in a team. But either as DPS or support, the build for this character always leads to damage output. The only question was whether this damage would come from regular attacks or continuous Elemental Skills and Bursts.

In order to fulfill the role he plays, you can use one of the three weapons below:

  • Wolf’s Gravestone: If you’re lucky enough to get one, the Wolf’s Gravestone is a good weapon for Beidou to install as a DPS. This weapon gives pure damage, both in terms of stats and effects, making it suitable for Claymore user characters who want to be used as DPS.

  • Aminus Prototype: If you are on the budget or unlucky, you can make Prototype Aminus as a cheaper alternative. This weapon also provides an Attack bonus. But what makes this weapon even more interesting is its effect which produces considerable AOE damage every 15 seconds.

  • Sacrificial Greatsword: Beidou can also be installed as support or secondary DPS, which means you need to maximize his Elementa Skill and Burst. For that purpose, the best weapon for you is the Sacrificial Greatsword. This weapon provides an energy recharge bonus that makes you always ready to use Elemental Burst. But the most interesting thing about this weapon is its effect which gives a cooldown reset. This means that you can use Elemental Skills twice in a row.



As user Claymore, Beidou it will be much more advantageous if it can produce high damage in every swing of his sword. That’s why whatever set you use, it’s a good idea to look for an Artifact that gives Crit Rate, Crit Damage, then lastly Attack. The alternative option, especially for support, is to use Artifact with Electro Damage or Elemental Mastery.

Then for the ideal set, we recommend the two sets below, each depending on the role Beidou plays in your team.

  • Gladiator’s Finale (4): As a DPS, you only need to find Artifacts that give bonus Attack. Gladiator’s Finale is the best choice for it because it provides an additional 18 percent Attack overall as well as an additional 35 percent to normal attacks.

  • Thundering Fury (4): If you use Beidou as support, the most suitable Artifact for him is Thundering Fury. The effect of this Artifact will maximize Beidou’s Elemental Skill and Burst damage. Not only that, if you use the full set, you also produce higher Elemental Reaction damage and no less important cooldown reduction to Elemental Skills that you will rely on very much.

Team Setup

Team Setup

Beidou is a unique character because it has Elemental Skills that can only be maximized if used at the right time. In order to generate maximum damage from his Elemental Skill, you must know when your opponent will attack and what the animation will be until their attack lands on Beidou. But you can outsmart this interaction by using the Pyro character.

When fighting on the grass, Pyro’s character will always burn the grass around him, and if you stand on it you will take damage. Beidou can take advantage of this interaction by deliberately standing on fire and then activating Elemental Skills that will immediately deal maximum damage. That’s why the Pyro character can always be paired with Beidou.

Elemental Burst Beidou also makes it suitable for pairing with characters who have fast attacks or attacks that have elemental effects to produce continuous Elemental Reactions. For a fast attack, all spear and sword users would certainly be an okay choice. Characters like Diluc and Chongyun also suitable because each can change their attack property to elemental. Then don’t forget the Catalyst characters, especially those with fast attack animations like Barbara.

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Overall, Beidou is a character that is quite underrated because of its slightly different gameplay. But if you can maximize the composition and build for it, Beidou can be a valuable asset for your team both to attack and defend.