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Build Yu Zhong Offlaner Ahmad and RRQ R7. Mobile Legends 2021

Yu Zhong is the strongest oflan hero in mobile legends because his blood is very thick and has a passive that can remove blood regeneration from enemy heroes and his sick skills make Yu Zhong difficult to defeat and don’t even die by the end of the game . If you are playing alone this hero is very suitable as this hero is very strong in the early or late game. In conjunction with the builds we recommend to empower Yu Zhong’s heroes, such as Build Yu Zhong Offlaner Ahmad and RRQ R7.

Build Yu Zhong Offlaner Ahmad and RRQ R7

1. Warrior boots / sturdy boots

You use this item depending on the enemy in your lane when you are fighting physical heroes, use Warrior Boots (armor boots), when you are fighting magicians / heroes with a lot of stun / CC (crowd control) use Tough boots.

2. Bloodlust ax

Since Yu Zhong is a skill reliant hero and also requires life stealing, this is a mandatory item for YZ so that if the war is active before the passive is active, you will also have the life stealing of the item.

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3. Queen’s wings

This defensive item can withstand the damage done by the enemy, so the damage caused by the enemy is not enough for YZ to start a war at any time.

4. Oracle

This item is suitable for yz as it can buff its passive so the regeneration produced is more than before

5. Desperate Blade

If you want even more painful damage, you can add this item to make the given damage skill greater

6. Immortality

Use this item to come back to life and again inflict extra damage on the enemy, or you can run away so as not to die.

Also read: Role and positional games in the Mobile Legends game 2021

Here’s a bonus for those who read:

Combat spells:

1. Run

The reason Yuzhong uses this combat spell is because Yuzhong is open to a hero type with blast damage, so the Excute spell is suitable for that hero.

2. clean

You must already know the function of this combat spell, which is to be immune or free from crowd control type attacks.

3. Revenge

Yu Zhong is also suitable for using this battlefield to survive before becoming passive.

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Assassin or fighter.

Guys with guaranteed car win and suitable for the push rank when playing solo. Hopefully useful