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Here's How to Play Hero Bruno Mobile Legends 2022

Here’s How to Play Hero Bruno in Mobile Legends 2022 – Bruno is a pretty agile marksman in Mobile Legends. Bruno has a fairly long block skill that most other marksman like Irithel and Lesley don’t have.

How to Play Hero Bruno Mobile Legends 2021
How to Play Hero Bruno Mobile Legends 2022

Bruno really looks like an ordinary marksman. Meanwhile, if you have recognized the strengths and skills he has, Bruno is a very scary marksman, you know, gang.

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Bruno has a passive skill that allows him to deal great damage. This hero is very dependent on basic attacks, so he can distribute late game damage. Especially now that Bruno deserves to be compared to Granger, who is the best marksman.

Now! On this occasion, TeknoGeng would like to revisit the hero from Bruno. Of course, the problem this time is: Method of Playing Bruno’s Hero in Mobile Legends in 2022. Of course this is an experiment or the author’s experience when playing Bruno’s hero in Mobile Legends.

1. Farming in the Early Game

Because Bruno is listed as a marksman who is very dependent on items, so we have to farm first in the early game. Try to stay away from team fights or clashes at this stage.

Play as aggressively as possible when the core item is finished. Save skill 2 just in case. If there is an opponent who disturbs you farming, you can use this skill to escape. And no less significant when fighting 1 vs 1 enemies, you can use skill 2 to shake your opponent.

2. Positioning Correctly

A marksman user must have good positioning. Don’t let you be offside by being in front of a tank during a teamfight. Try to always be behind them so you are not attacked by damage from your opponent.

The best position to hit Bruno is from the furthest distance. Remember that Bruno’s gang has a fairly long range, so take advantage of this advantage. For positining you use skill 2. And don’t forget to activate the hero lock mode so you don’t hit the wrong target.

3. Use the Ultimate Moment Skill

Use the ultimate skill at meaningful moments, guys, because the cooldown of this skill is quite long. You need to understand that this skill will be very efficient when it hits many opponents. Therefore, it is very good to use for teamfights. You can also use this skill when you are pushing or turret defense.

4. Often Practice

Practice often when you want to understand each hero, including Bruno. Also pay attention to how the pro players play, you observe the gameplay, build, and rotation. If you want to get basic guidance, please visit the TeknoGeng website as a reference for data overwriting the Mobile Legends Guide.

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