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The Strongest Tank Emblem in Mobile Legends 2022 (Anti-Dead + Thick HP)

Strongest Tank Emblem – In the Mobile Legends game, there are 5 roles, including Roaming (Tank Support), Jungler/Hyper, Midlaner, Goldlaner and Offlaner. You need to know, the Tank role in ML is very important and is the key to winning the match.

When using the tank role, make sure you have the strongest tank emblem setting, because the Emblem itself is a status enhancer feature on the hero used.

Therefore, the arrangement of the strongest tank emblems in Mobile Legends must be correct. As the name implies, tank emblems have functions in defense, such as HP, Phyisal Defense, regen. If you have reached the max tank emblem, it is difficult to kill and quickly wins the match.

For Mobile Legends players who are still confused and don’t know how to set the strongest Tank emblem arrangement. No need to worry, you just need to read and apply some layouts along with items, builds, and more that Ulingame will discuss below.

What is the Strongest Emblem

Emblems in Mobile Legends are important features that players must know and must use. The emblem itself consists of levels 1 to 60 max and there are 8 types of emblems including Assassin, Fighter, Physical, Mage, Magic, Support and Tank.

If the emblem that you have achieved is maxed out, the additional hero status will be higher. But if it’s still at the initial level, the emblem doesn’t really affect the hero status effect. For how to upgrade your emblem, you need Magic Dust or Diamonds to be able to upgrade.

Tank Emblem Function in Mobile legends

There are various main functions of the tank emblem in Mobile Legends, one of which is being able to give as much Boost as possible. Emblem also adds a tank hero to be stronger, in terms of HP, Physical Defense, Physical Magical and Cooldown.

Actually, the tank emblem can be used by all tanks or support because it really needs and is suitable for combination, right. In addition, some Support heroes such as Carmila, Mathilda and Kaja can also become the strongest if they wear a tank emblem. What is certain is that this emblem is mandatory for Tank, Support and Fighter roles.

Current Strongest Tank Hero Recommendation

Recommended Strongest Tank Emblem Hero Tank

Tank is a full-fledged defensive hero in the Mobile Legends game, this type of Tank role is able to withstand damage from all opposing heroes. For players who may be confused by the many Tank heroes, Ulingame will recommend some of the most suitable and strongest heroes to be used as tanks and often used during the current Season tournament, especially MPL.

  1. Tigeral
  2. Hilda
  3. Baxia
  4. Hylos
  5. Khufra
  6. Chou
  7. Mathilda
  8. Akai
  9. Jawhead
  10. Grock
  11. Ruby

Strongest Tank Emblem

The Strongest Tank Emblem in Mobile Legends

1. First line please select talent Firmness Level 2 serves to add Physical Defense +8.00 then the next level +12.00 and Shield Level 1 works Magical Defense +4.00 then next level +8.00

2. The second line please fill in Fortress Level 1 generate +2.50% Physical Defense and Purity Level 2 Gives +5.00% Magical Defense effect and next level +8.00%

3. Last line select Concussive Blast Level 1 that deals 1 second after the next Basic Attack deals 125%(+7% Total HP) Magic Damage to nearby enemies. Concussive skill has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Strongest Tank Mandatory Build

Items are the most important thing compared to skills in playing. Because, by using the correct build combination, the heroes you play will be stronger and harder to kill.

For example, the Tigeral tank hero, even though it is known as the most powerful tank, does not mean that it does not require a suitable build. Now for Tank users who are still confused about selecting items, please follow the build items below which will definitely make the hero stronger.

The final word

That’s the discussion on how to set the Ulingame version of the Strongest Tank Emblem and the selection of the best build/item and battle spell. So much information that we can share, hopefully it can be useful and help the Tank role player so that it doesn’t die easily because it’s immune.