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1 Advantages of Zilong That Mobile Legends Players Rarely Know

You must know that there is 1 advantage of Zilong that Mobile Legends players rarely know, what are these advantages?

Zilong is one of the Mobile Legends heroes who is quite underestimated by players but has terrible abilities if you understand how to play it.

Like this 1 advantage of Zilong which is rarely known by Mobile Legends players, what are these advantages?

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Core Hunter

Zilong mobile legends
Photo via FB Giacbk

The advantage that players rarely know about Zilong is that it is the most effective opponent’s core hunter. Not only mage or marksman heroes can be defeated by Zilong.

But all core heroes including junglers can be defeated easily by Zilong quickly and effectively. It’s very difficult to stop this one fighter hero.

But you also need to remember that playing Zilong can’t just play carelessly, you have to need mechanics, read the map well and don’t just enter war.

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Try when you want to attack your opponent must really attack when he is dying or his blood is half. So it must be effective to kill in one hit.

That is one advantage of Zilong that MLBB players rarely know. After reading this you should try to play it as an explaner and see how terrible Zilong is for the opposing core heroes.

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