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This is the beautiful Indonesian version of the Indonesian version of the female voice for Line Let Get Rich

Online page BroLine let’s get rich is a Monopoly game in the Android gadget version by the developer Modoo Marble. the gaming monopoly is no stranger. This game has been downloaded from the Playstore by tens of millions of people.

You are surely curious who is behind this beautiful voice fill in the voice in games Line let’s get rich This. It turns out that the voice actor is a beautiful girl named Febiola Novita Kaunis, an Indonesian actress who starred in the youth soap opera “Kepompong”.

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When you install it for the first time there must be instructions on how to choose a language, there are three languages ​​in this game which is Thai, English and Indonesian. If we choose Indonesia, the votes that will appear in this game will be in Indonesian. The script is also in Indonesian.

Check out the video below to see how beautiful she looks