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The Holy Masterpiece Event [HM HoLV]

who finished first of the 16 events in Harvest Moon HoLV.

The main characters in this event are Chester who is looking for a legendary painting because long ago in Leaf Valley there was an underground church in which there was a legendary Harvest Goddess painting.

In this The Holy Masterpiece event you are tasked with helping Chester to find the painting because maybe it can delay the destruction of Leaf Valley by the Funland company.

The Holy Masterpiece

Notes : Events marked with * you can skip or not you must follow.

1. Legendary Painting
Time : Year 1, Summer 9-13
The place : In front of the house
Condition : Team’s friendship level is at least 20 FP

Tim tells you that there is a treasure from the Harvest Goddess. Then to find more information you and Tim come to Chester, but unfortunately Chester does not have information about the treasure.

2. Underground Church
Time : Year 1, Fall 1-5
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Have obtained at least 20 mines

Charles and Renton want to explore the underground church in search of the legendary painting. But Chester will not allow it and is determined to find the painting before them.

3. Finding the Entrance *
Time : Year 1, Fall 6-9
The place : Church
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is at least 20 FP

You and Chester search the dungeon entrance in search of the legendary painting, but Aurelia arrives and is angry to see everything falling apart so the search continues next time.

4. Suspicious Monument
Time : Year 1, Fall 11-27
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : You have seen event 2 (The Underground Church)

Chester shows you a suspicious boulder and believes it to be the entrance to the crypt, but again something bothers you that is Charles coming so you don’t proceed.

5. Finding the basement
Time : Year 1, Fall 12 – Winter 4
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is at least 30 FP

You and Chester have found the dungeon after destroying a large rock that is a roadblock to enter the dungeon. Inside the dungeon Chester finds the Harvest Goddess painting, but when he holds it the painting shatters and makes Chester fall unconscious.

6. Chester’s Request
Time : Year 1, Winter 8-12
The place : In front of the house
Condition : Have obtained at least 30 mines

Chester asks you to find an Orichalum, Mineral Crystal, Rare Metal, and Blue Rock which will later help make the painting.

7. Shipping
Time : Year 1, Winter 9-29
The place : Church
Condition : Already have Rare Metal, Mineral Crystal, Orichalcum, and Blue Rock in the bag.

Chester is glad you managed to get him and give him what he asked for.

8. Holy painting
Time : Year 2, Spring 1-7
The place : In front of the house
Condition : Have obtained about 40 mines

Event Done !! The Harvest Goddess painting has been completed on a large scale.

Notes : After seeing this event 8 you will get the event logo on the balance sheet as a sign that you have completed The Holy Masterpiece event and the next event is just a Harvest Goddess story that you can follow or ignore.

Harvest Goddess Story

To complete the Harvest Goddess story event, you simply answer “Yes” then follow the story.

9. Harvest Goddess Story 1 *
Time : Year 2, Spring 21-27
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is at least 40 FP

10. Harvest Goddess Story 2 *
Time : Year 2, Summer 5-12
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is at least 50 FP and has seen event 9

11. Harvest Goddess Story 3 *
Time : Year 2, Fall 7-14
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is 50FP and has seen event 10

12. Harvest Goddess Story 4*
Time : Year 2, Fall 24-30
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is 70FP and has seen event 11

13. Harvest Goddess Story 5 *
Time : Year 2, Winter 22-28
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Chester’s friendship level is 80FP and has seen event 12

14. The Priest’s “Holy Goods”
Time : Anytime in year 3
The place : Mallard Lake
Condition : Completed The Holy Masterpiece event

Chester plans to sell Harvest Goddess items so that the love of the Harvest Goddess spreads to everyone.