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How to Farm Crab for Cooking Genshin Impact

Crab or crab is a very necessary cooking ingredient. With crab, you can cook something like Adeptus Temptation, Calla Lily Seafood Soup or Baked Vegetable Pie.

Crabs are very difficult to find, they can only be found on the beach or watery places.

Here I will tell you how to get a lot of crabs quickly, you can get a lot of crabs this way.

To get crabs, I suggest you make a party like this. 1 Kaeya, 2 Anemo Traveler characters, Sucrose Venti or Jean, and 1 Barbara. use Kaeya to run, 2 Anemo characters to reduce stamina used and use Barbara skills to reduce stamina used.

You can also eat Barbatos Ratatouille, Cream Stew, Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup or Zhongyuan Chop Suey to reduce your stamina usage by 20-35%.

First Route

Teleport to the map in the image above, and go to the one I marked, fly and point the camera at the small island.

Arriving there, go to the right of the beach and start picking up Crab or Crab. You can get approximately 22 Crab. But in that place you will find a Ruin Guard, you can avoid the Ruin Guard attack or you can fight the Ruin Guard, but my advice is for you to just avoid all the attacks and focus on looking for Crab or crabs.

Second Route

You will get more than 15 Crab or Crab in this second route, keep using Kaeya to run.

Go to the place in the picture above, and start looking from top to bottom, you will find a lot of monsters, avoid all the monsters that are there to save time, but if you want to beat them go ahead, but I suggest not.

Third Route

Teleport to the Boss Geo map and go to the bottom and you will get some Crab or Crab at this location. there are many enemies here, avoid all existing enemies and focus on looking for Crab or Crab.


You can buy Crab or Crab at the fishmonger in Liyue. You can get 5 Crab or Crab for 1200 Mora

So, that’s the route for how to farm crab or crabs in Genshin Impact, actually there are other locations for farming crabs or crabs, but I think this is quite enough for you to cook. and this Crab Spawn every day, so you can get a lot of crabs every day

If you find a better route, please comment below.