Tips to avoid dying quickly on an open fire, even though you have just landed – Hi friend Drark Gamez, In the article you are reading this time titled Tips for Not Dying Quickly in Open Fire, we have prepared this article well even if you have just landed, so that you can read it and absorb information. Hopefully the content of the Free Fire article can help you understand what we are writing. All right, enjoy reading.

Title: Tips to avoid dying quickly on an open fire, even though you have just landed
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Tips to avoid dying quickly on an open fire, even though you have just landed

How do you play the Free Fire game? Why does every game always die quickly? Although just landed and started the game. The Free Fire game is one of the Battle Royal games whose gameplay is survival.

In this Free Fire game there are 50 players battling it out for 15 minutes be the last surviving player. The concept of this game is almost the same as the PUBG game. For those of you who are and have experience playing PUBG games, this Free Fire game definitely won’t be difficult to play.

When fighting against other players, players must get kills or attack enemies. In addition, hide and seek strategies are also used in this game. The strategy of hiding in this Free Fire game doesn’t mean not daring to face the enemy. But this strategy is used by the players to survive.

The Free Fire game starts with the player falling off the plane with other players and choosing the landing spot that each player wants. Then what to do after landing so as not to die quickly and stay afloat until the end of the game? What tips are there to avoid dying quick in Free Fire even though you just landed? Here is the review

Tips to avoid dying quickly with an open fire

In order to survive in this game and not die quickly, players need to have a strategy and watch out for things that the players may have overlooked. Here are tips to survive and not die quick even though you just landed in the Free Fire game.

Landing in a lonely place

The first tip to avoid dying quick in this Free Fire game is to land in a quiet place. As you know, the game starts with players falling off the plane and choosing the landing spot that each player wants to have at the battlefield. On the way, the player on the plane has the opportunity to think about it and determine the landing location

It is recommended that players land in a location that is not facing in the same direction as the aircraft’s flight path. Players may seldom come to this place in such a quiet place. In this location, players can loot and attack faster before other players attack.

Don’t stay outside too long

The second tip to avoid dying quick in this Free Fire game is not to stay outdoors for too long. Make sure the player keeps walking and anticipating the presence of the enemy. If the player stays too long, the player is easily attacked by the enemy.

Expand prey

The third tip to avoid dying fast in this Free Fire game is to multiply the looting. Loot is an activity for collecting items. This activity is one of the most important things in the survival game. With a variety of pieces of equipment that players can find and collect, such as rifles, vests, helmets, or others, players can better protect themselves from enemy threats that players will encounter later.

At the start of the Free Fire game, players will encounter a lot of players looting. Like the phrase “get it first, it really applies to this game. The player who gets a better item first than other players has a greater chance of winning

Discard any unused items

The fourth tip to avoid dying quick in this Free Fire game is to throw away any unused items. If the player’s backpack is full of unused equipment and supplies, just throw them away. Especially when the player finds another item whose level is much higher than the item the player has in their backpack.

Save ammunition

The fifth tip to avoid dying quick in this Free Fire game is to save ammo. Each weapon in this Free Fire game has different ammunition. If the player finds ammunition for a weapon they don’t have, it is better to keep it. It is possible that one day the player will need the ammunition because they find a weapon that matches the ammunition that the player has stored.

All of these things are up to the player whether they want to save the ammunition or not. However, it is highly recommended that you save it. Why? Because in the game players will always find new weapons.

Imagine the player finds a better weapon but unfortunately doesn’t have the ammunition for that weapon. Whereas the player had previously found ammunition for the weapon, but not stored it. So sad isn’t it? So save the ammunition that players can find when the backpack has enough space.

Have all the important things with you
The sixth tip to avoid dying quick in this Free Fire game is to make sure all essential items are in the player’s possession before the battle. Before players launch enemy attacks, players should have all essential items such as weapons, head and body armor, medical equipment, and others. When the player has complete items, the player is ready to fight. However, if the player has not found all the important items, the player can dodge the enemy by running away.

The minimap in the Free Fire game is useful not only for telling where the player is but also for checking for threats. If the player is attacked they can go to the hotel to find the origin of the shot, namely the presence of red lightning bolts. After the player finds the shot, they can run away or find the opposing player to resort to.

This is a round-up of tips to avoid dying quick on Free Fire even though you just landed. Hopefully useful and hopefully booyah or rank up.

This is the article on tips to avoid dying quick on Free Fire even though you just landed

That is the article Tips to Not Die Quickly in the Open Fire, Even If This Time Has Just Landed, But Hopefully You Can All Benefit From It. Well, see you in another article post.

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