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Tanks Like Cracker When Using Malefic Roar Items - Mobile Legends Item Tutorial

Tanks Like Cracker When Using Malefic Roar Items - Mobile Legends Item Tutorial
Guide Malefic Roar Mobile Legends

Malicious roar is one of the items in the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Malefic Roar is an attack item typically used by shooters, fighters, and assassins. Usually heroes who rely on normal attacks will use this item.

This Malefic Roar is one of the best items to use to battle high armor heroes. Because this item penetrates the armor of the enemy. This Malefic Roar feature will really be felt in late games.

In this article, Cecepkocep will take a closer look at the Malefic Roar subject matter. What is the main function of this article? Let’s take a look at the rating below.

Base status

Malefic Roar Mobile Legends
Malefic Roar Mobile Legends

+60 Physical Attack: The addition of the base status conferred by this Malefic Roar item is a physical attack only. Because what really matters about this item is its passive.


The first passive trait of the item “Malefic Roar” is penetrates 40% armor Every time you hit the enemy it can be a simple attack or a skill.

For example, the enemy has a total of 100 armors. When you attack him, the armor that works is only 60. Because you penetrated 40% of 100 armor.

Of course, this armor reduction is very high, especially when we combine it with a high attack speed. Tanks will also be overwhelmed with handling this item.

Therefore, this Malefic Roar item works very well against tank heroes with high armor like Gatotkaca and Johnson. This item reduces the armor of the enemy by 40%. And you can feel for yourself that this item is really useful in the late game against them.

The second passive on this Malefic Roar item is will ignores 20% tower defense every time you attack him with Basic attack. So the second passive of this item is to reduce the tower’s defense. For example, the tower has a defense of 1000 so only 800 will work.

Hence, this Malefic Roar item is great for thrust towers. Using this item will allow you to destroy the tower faster. Because the tower defense will be reduced when you use this item. But what works on this passive is the basic attack, no ability.

Malefic Roar vs Blade of the 7 Seas

Blade of Heptaseas
Blade of Heptaseas

Just like Malefic Roar, the Blade of the 7 Seas item has a function of reducing enemy armor, but the way it works is different. Blade of the 7 Seas passive works when attacking enemies with skills, not simple attacks. While Passive Malefic Roar doesn’t need to be skill-provoked, it can be done with simple attacks.

Then this Blade of the 7 Seas can reduce the armor for 3 seconds, not by piercing it. That is, the status of the enemy hero is affected by this item. Meanwhile, Malefic Roar does not decrease the enemy’s armor status, but penetrates it directly.

Malicious roar and demon hunter sword

Demon Hunter Sword Mobile Legends
Demon Hunter Sword Mobile Legends

Passive demon hunter sword that deals damage to enemies based on the enemy’s current HP. The greater the enemy’s HP, the greater your damage. So this item is very well suited to be used against heroes with big blood.

But unfortunately, the passive voice of this demon hunter sword item can be penetrated by enemy armor. One way to overcome this is to combine this item with the Malefic Roar item. So the armor was penetrated with Malefic Roar, while the passive from the demon hunter sword would be more effective.

Malicious roars and wind speakers

Windtalker Mobile Legends
Windtalker Mobile Legends

As I mentioned earlier, Malefic Roar is very good when combined with high attack speed. With a high attack speed, you will take down enemies with high armor faster.

One of the items with the fastest attack speed is Windtalker. This item has a base status of + 40% attack speed. With high attack speed and physical penetration, even tank heroes are overwhelmed.

Suitable for who

In my opinion, this Malefic Roar item is very good for heroes who rely on basic attacks. Because the second passive of this item is effective when using a normal attack, not a skill. So actually everyone who fits the Malefic Roar Item.

1. All shooters

Moscow Mobile Legends
Moscow Mobile Legends

Almost all shooters in the Mobile Legends game rely on basic attacks rather than skills. In addition, the Marskman has a high attack speed, so it can be combined with this item. With great physical penetration, attack speed, and critical damage, the shooter can kill enemies, even tanks, more easily.

2. Zilong

Zilong is a fighter who, thanks to his passive skills, has a high attack speed. He can also be used very well as a pusher in a team. By purchasing the Malefic Roar item, Zilong will destroy the tower faster. Even for hand-to-hand combat, it will be more useful in the late game.

3. Alucard

Alucard is also a fighter who goes perfectly with the Malefic Roar item. He relies heavily on basic attacks versus skills. Indeed, Alucard is known as a hero with a high life steal. This life robbery works when you use a simple attack. To add the physical penetration we can use Malefic Roar.

4. Aldous

Aldous Mobile Legends
Aldous Mobile Legends

After Aldous uses Skill 1, the next normal attack does massive damage, especially if that skill’s stack is large. Purchasing the Malefic Roar item will make the damage it does even greater, especially against tank heroes with high armor.

5. Roger

Although Roger is rarely used at the moment, the damage he does is still very great, especially in the late game. The damage done by Roger will really be felt when he enters the late game phase or all items are ready. We can add the Malefic Roar item to the build item so that the damage it does to Tank Heroes hurts more too.

All battle heroes who always use normal attacks are very good at using Malefic Roar items. Heroes who rely more on abilities like Alpha, Leomord, Martis and Lapu-Lapu, on the other hand, are better suited to using the Blade of the 7 Seas item.

6. Natalia

Natalia Mobile Legends
Natalia Mobile Legends

Natalia is an assassin who relies heavily on basic attacks when compared to skill. Hence, he would be better off using Malefic Roar instead of Blade of the 7 Seas. In addition, this item will really be felt once it has entered the late stage of the game.

When was it bought?

You can purchase this Malefic Roar item in the late game. Because in this phase the armor of the opponent is completely ready. You can save this Malefic Roar item in the fifth or sixth slot. This Malefic Roar item is more effective when it’s late in the game.

That’s the discussion, guys this time, about the Malefic Roar item in the Mobile Legends Bang Bang game. Don’t forget to check out Cecepkocep’s blog for the latest articles.