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How to Overcome Mobile Legends Cracks Easily!

How to Overcome Mobile Legends Cracks Easily!

This is a powerful way to overcome broken mobile legends. Please try to use it so that it does not freeze or break while playing Mobile Legends. We get tips and tricks for this method from our own experience and have proven themselves.

When playing Mobile Legends, of course, all players hope to be able to play without interference. Of course, if you can play smoothly, the gameplay will be better and the game can be easily won. On the other hand, if there is interference while playing, the game naturally becomes more difficult and sometimes does not make you want to play.

This time around, Ayoden will discuss how to overcome broken Mobile Legends easily. Curious how to solve it? Let’s just check out the full review below!

Clear the mobile legend cache

If you run into a broken problem while playing Mobile Legends, the first thing you can do is clear the cache. To clear the Mobile Legends cache, you can do it in two ways, namely clearing it directly from the application or via the device settings options.

Use a good connection

A bad connection can also contribute to this problem. Accordingly, the best step to overcome this is to use a good connection. Make sure to play when the ping conditions are stable. When the ping reaches 120ms, make sure to stop playing first. Wait until the ping status is stable again and you can continue playing Mobile Legends.

Lower the graphics quality of Mobile Legends

How to Overcome Broken Mobile Legends

If the graphics quality is too high, the frame will be overloaded when playing. Of course, if your device is strong that’s not a problem, but if it’s not strong? obviously the problem of freezing or cracking will arise. Better if it feels awkward, heavy to the touch, and lagged enough while playing, just lower the quality of the graphics. In this way, the gameplay will return to normal and can be played smoothly again.

Activate the mobile legends in speed mode

You can take advantage of Mobile Legends’ speed mode feature to help you overcome the errors that occur. Speed ​​mode can make ping stable and gameplay performance even more playable. To activate it, you just need to go to the settings function and activate this mode. Guaranteed broken can be overcome easily!

Do not play Mobile Legends while it is charging

How to Overcome Broken Mobile Legends

To avoid the problem from freezing, you can prevent it by not playing Mobile Legends while the device is charging. This is because the power the device is producing is not optimal because it is in a low state and it needs electricity. If forced, the effect can be even greater, damaging your device’s battery. It is better to first charge until the battery is full!

Update your device

The last step you can do is upgrade your device. Use the latest device specifications as this can make Mobile Legends perform even better. Your gaming experience will of course also get better, the higher the specifications, the better the resulting performance!

So that is the How to Overcome Broken Mobile Legends explanation that Ayoden discussed. Please try to apply, it is guaranteed that the problem of cracking or freezing can be solved easily. Keep visiting Ayoden for more information on Mobile Legends, okay! Thank you!