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5 best mobile hero legend to rank up

Mobile Legend is a mobile game that can be downloaded for free from the Playstore and IOS, the Mobile Legend game system is an online multiplayer in which in one game consists of 2 teams of 5 people or 5 heroes, with the aim of defeating the opponent to destroy base. Mobile Legend players in a game each have their own roles, such as: B. Choosing a hero’s tank, wearing it, supporting it, etc.

The best Mobile Legend heroes

This time we have the chance to tell you the 5 best Mobile Legend Heroes that you can try to push for rank because in Mobile Legend game rank is one of the conditions that make someone be or be a pro something else is affected. For those of you who are stuck and looking to increase your rank, you must read through to the end of our 5 selected hero recommendations that are considered good for Push Rank Mobile Legend (ML).

The Best Hero in Mobile Legends First (Claude)

The best Hero Mobile Legend for the first push rank is Claude (Marksman Melee). Why did we choose Claude as a good hero for the push rank? Because Claude is considered significant damage with a high rate of kill where this can be found in every one of his skills. Claude can be described as a hero who can split push because Claude has a pretty fast and agile attack speed.

Another reason Claude is the best push rank hero is because he does very well in the beginning or early game because Claude is one of those heroes who can farm quickly but with the hint that he is different from others Helden is accompanied, because Claude is very fragile at the beginning. Another mainstay of Hero ML named Claude is his specialty, which can move him from place to place through his monkey named Dexter. Please try Hero Claude first by practicing before entering rank mode so that you can properly understand the feeling.

Second best hero in Mobile Legends (Lesley)

The best Hero Mobile Legend for the second push rank is Lesley (Marksman Range). We chose a hero named Lesley because the hero is very good at a fairly large attack range. With his three abilities, Lesley can shoot the targeted enemy 4 times without being hindered or restricted by the distance between them. Lesley’s third skill can also be used as a support team as this skill makes the entire map light. In addition, this Hero Range Marksman has damage that is quite painful at the start of the game, which makes it quite easy and quick when farming with a long range of fire.

Another is that Lesley’s skills and control are easy to master. Hero Lesley is considered to be fairly easy to understand and learn even for the first few people trying Lesley, so Lesley is used as the Hero Marksman who is very popular due to the ease and simplicity of using the Hero. For both the late game and early game, Lesley is a hero who is quite a nuisance to some players, especially during the push rank.

The third best hero in Mobile Legends (Estes)

The best Hero Mobile Legend for the third push rank is Estes (Support Range). We chose Estes Hero Support because we thought that Hero Support was very useful for a team and a nuisance to the enemy during the war. Estes is considered hero support to be present in push rank mode, as push rank mode requires and supports each moving role. Estes is a support hero who is often chosen for push rank mode as he has great healing ability for himself and his team.

Not only does Estes have skills that are quite annoying to opponents, but he is also considered a hero who is difficult to kill due to his abilities that continue to restore HP quickly. However, with skills that can aid her friends, Estes has one downside, namely that it is very difficult to escape the opponent when the opponent is a fairly aggressive hero. Always make sure to always be close to your friends when using this hero, both during the war and for important things, including helping your team’s Hero Carry.

The fourth best hero in Mobile Legends (Grock)

The best Hero Mobile Legend for the fourth push rank is Grock (Tank Melee). Grock is one of the hero armor that is quite tough, in addition to having thick blood, it is also considered to be a hero armor capable of killing enemies on its own. Another thing that Grock Hero Tank finds bothersome is the skills, such as one of his 2 skills where he creates a stone barrier field where it is difficult for the enemy to escape or for other things.

With his ability, which is sufficient to make the physical damage suffered great, Grock can later greatly influence the course of a match. If Grock can play well in the beginning he won’t be far behind in a late game, but if Grock is bad in the beginning it will be bad in the late game and it is certain that his team will easily lead to defeat.

The fifth best hero in Mobile Legends (Yu Zhong)

The best Mobile Legend Hero for the fifth push rank is Yu Zhong (Fighter Melee). Yu Zhong is one of the hero fighters who is often used as a hero for the push rank. This is very true as the hero tends to have very overpowering abilities, such as: Another reason why Yu Zhong is our Hero Push Rank recommendation is that Yu Zhong has three combat modes, such as Human Mode, Normal Mode, Black Dragon Mode, and Dragonoid Hybrid Mode.

When switching to Black Dragon mode, Yu Zhong has several advantages for him, such as object intrusion and so on. The hero named Yu Zhong is one of the Hero Fighter Overpower ML often used by top Mobile Legend players, not even a few who use him in various Mobile Legend tournaments, as he is considered a very powerful hero even against 3 other heroes .

And so many Gamefinity articles titled, “Listen to the 5 Best Mobile Legend Heroes that You Can Try To Push Rank,” where the content of this article recommended the 5 best heroes for you to push the rank, and everyone consists of Marksman, Support, Panzer zum Jäger. Hopefully it will be useful for those of you who don’t know what Hero to Push Rank is, and hopefully the 5 heroes we mentioned can be yours or your friends for the Push Rank. Share and visit our other information below