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Get 100 percent kill participation, that's the Hero Roger Item Build ala ONIC Sanz

Build Roger hero items in the style of ONIC Sanz. (youtube / MPL Indonesia) – In the first match of ONIC VS Genflix Aerowolf in week 1 MPL Indonesia Season 6, Sanz showed a brilliant performance by setting a 100 percent kill participation record with the hero Roger as his flagship. Can be imitated, this is an ONIC Sanz style Roger hero item.

In the first match of the 6th season of MPL Indonesia against Genflix Aerowolf, ONIC Sanz took on the hypercarry role with the fighting hero Roger.

As his first debut in season 6 of MPL Indonesia, Sanz played well with Roger. Sanz successfully slaughtered Genflix Aerowolf, set a huge record with 100 percent kill participation, and made him the MVP for Week 1 MPL Indonesia Season 6.

If you’re good at playing Roger, if you’re a user of this one hero, here are ONIC Sanz-style Rogers build items at MPL Indonesia Season 6 which took place on Saturday (08/15/2020).

1. Retribution

Build Roger hero items in the style of ONIC Sanz.  (youtube / MPL Indonesia)
Build Roger hero items in the style of ONIC Sanz. (youtube / MPL Indonesia)

The first building item Sanz uses for Roger is retaliation. With this item, sniper and mage heroes must be very vigilant when they meet Roger. This item is also very useful at the beginning level for farming.

2. Raptor machete

Raptor Machete makes farming faster and is an important thing for Roger. This item can later inflict an additional +30 physical attack, +15 percent physical penetration and +50 percent damage to monsters in the jungle.

3. Fast boots

The next item Sanz uses are Swift Boots, which are useful for an additional movement speed of +40 and +15 percent attack speed.

4. Wind speaker

Build Roger hero items in the style of ONIC Sanz.  (instagram /
Build Roger hero items a la ONIC Sanz. (instagram /

Windtalker can offer an additional attack speed of +40 percent, a movement speed of +20 and a critical chance of +10 percent. This item offers passive abilities that can inflict magic damage on opponents and critical damage on minions.

5. Endless struggle

When Roger uses Endless Battle, this hero gains an additional +65 physical attack, +25 mana regeneration, +250 HP, +10 percent cooldown reduction, +15 percent lifesteal and +5 percent movement speed.

6. Desperate Blade

In the late game, the Blade of Despair item will really help Roger add +170 physical attack and +5 percent movement speed. In addition, Roger adds an additional physical attack when attacking an opponent with HP below 50 percent.

Be tough on the lane until you get a 100 percent kill participation.