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Become the most barbaric core player, this is the build item Hero Ling A la RRQ Xin Ling

Figure of the hero Ling. (HiTekno) – RRQ Xin was known as one of the most barbaric core players in the professional world. This professional gamer is known for being less likely to get scared in the lane and is very reliable at playing various heroes, Ling is no exception. Then how do you build RRQ Xin style ling items?

Though his name is still very new to the pro scene, this Manado man seems like one of the most feared pro players on the lane. RRQ Xin is known for having an aggressive style of play that is sometimes referred to as barbaric.

In terms of heroes, there are several cool heroes that are the mainstay of RRQ Xin, one of which is of course Ling. This assassin, employed by Ling, became one of the keys to RRQ’s victory in the MPL Invitational held some time ago.

If you’re a Ling hero user too, here is the RRQ Xin-style Ling item build. Must try to win the match with that one hero.

1. Magic shoes

Build items Yu Zhong.  (
Magical shoes. (

Since he has the ability to jump, Ling’s shoe is not required. However, Magic Shoes can be relied on to shorten the cooldown of any of these hero abilities.

2. Nimble blade

Nimble Blade contains an important jungle item to make farming easier. This item allows you to increase HP when killing monsters in the jungle.

3. Endless struggle

An additional 65 physical attacks, 25 mana regeneration, 250 HP, 5 percent movement speed and 15 percent physical life steal make Endless Battle items very suitable for Ling.

4. Berserker’s rage

This item can be used to make Ling very Strong in the early game. With this item, Ling can provide an additional 20% critical chance, 40% critical damage, 25% critical chance and 60 physical attack points.

5. Blade of Heptaseas

You can choose this blade from Heptaseas when you don’t need magical shoes. This item is capable of providing an additional 65 physical attacks and 250 HP, making Ling’s heroes fatter and Stronger.

6. Queen’s wings

Become the most barbaric core player, this is the Hero Ling Item Build A la RRQ Xin - 2
Build items Queen’s Wings. (HiTekno)

The harder it is to beat, you have to use Queen’s Wings to add 1000 HP attributes and 10 percent CD reduction, plus 15 physical attacks. This item’s passive skill grants 30 percent life steal when its HP is below 40 percent.

Guaranteed auto win when you use this assassin hero, the above item building hero Ling ala RRQ Xin you have to try out when you play this hero.