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20+ base formation TH 11 COC Anti 3 stars

20+ Base Formation TH 11 COC, In the game Clash Of Clans (COC) is one of the best strategy games. This game has received good reviews and ratings. This COC game is a game that you can play online in real time. And a lot of players in the form of children and young people playing.

In this game, your aim is to wisely and well improve the life of your village / base. In addition, you have to be quick in building a good village and the economy will keep your clan and military might stronger.

In this article we present some examples of the formation of TH 11 COC bases. Later in the TH 11 COC base formation, this will help you increase the strength of your COC base. Take a look at the strongest TH 11 COC base formation:

Let’s take a look at the TH 11 COC Anti 3 Star Base Formation

Basis TH 11 COC 1

Basis TH 11 COC

In this base it is arranged in the form of a labrin to confuse the opposing troops. In addition, you can see many defense buildings and traps scattered around the maze path. You can also see if TH 11 gets a lot of protection from strong defensive buildings.

Basis TH 11 COC 2

When you see that this base is easy for the enemy to destroy. But don’t get me wrong, this base, if you pay attention, has defense buildings scattered outside the base. The placement of this base serves as a defensive wall that can destroy the enemy troops. In addition, this base wall also has a strong defense and will be difficult to withstand the attack of the opponent.

Base 3

Basis TH 11 COC

The purpose of this base is to protect TH from enemy attacks. You can see it from the TH 11 position, which is in the center of the base and surrounded by defensive buildings and traps. With such a position, it will be difficult for the opposing forces to attack your base and TH 11.

Base 4

If you look at this base, it looks similar to Base 2. However, this base has more defense in strong walls and is difficult for opponents to penetrate. So that it becomes difficult for your opponent’s troops to attack your base.

Base 5

If you see, this base is actually similar to base 3. However, there is a difference in that there is another defense building in the middle of the base, which increases the defensive strength and protects your base from enemy attacks. This base also has many defense buildings and traps that attack enemy troops.

Base 6

Even if it looks like getting an attack from your opponent’s army is easy. But this base is difficult for your opponent to attack, you can see this by having a road in the middle of the base as an enemy trap. When the opposing troops pass the street, the defensive building will attack them and trap them.

Base 7

If you see this base is similar to Base 6. However, this base has a path that forms an X and has a strong defensive building. This will make it difficult for enemy troops to penetrate through and attack your TH.

Base 8

Basis TH 11 COC

When you see that the purpose of this base is to better protect your gold and elixir. You can see this in the location of the shelter, which is surrounded by strong defensive buildings

Base 9

This base is intentionally layered in such a way that it will be difficult for the opposing forces to attack your base. There are different types of strong defensive buildings and traps in each layer. These things will make it difficult for your opponent’s troops.

Base 10

Basis TH 11 COC

Although the defense buildings in this base have a random layout. But this base can strongly repel attacks by your opponent’s troops.

Base 11

When you see this base is shaped like Base 10. However, this base is smaller in shape and more densely packed with defensive structures. That will make it difficult to attack this base.

Base 12

Basis TH 11 COC

The shape of this base is a maze that will make it difficult for enemy troops. There are also many defensive buildings and traps on this base road that attack enemy troops.

Base 13

If you see, this base aims to overcome the attacks of troops against air units. You can see that in the many defensive buildings for air units, and there are also traps.

Base 14

This base is layered, making it difficult for enemy forces to enter your base. Because the walls of this base are strong and there are also defensive buildings that attack the opposing troops.

Base 15

In fact, if you look at a glance, it is similar to Base 14. However, this base is in the shape of Sectors and in each Sector there are Defense Buildings and Traps. This will make your opponent’s troops easy to defeat.

Base 16

Basis TH 11 COC

In fact, this base has a unique shape and appears to easily attack opponents. But fear not, this base has many defensive buildings and traps that enemy troops can attack.

Base 17

At this base it looks like too many buildings. But don’t worry, this base can make it difficult for your opponent’s troops to break into the defense of this base.

Base 18

In fact, this base is similar to Base 17. But if you look at this base, it has thicker walls and more defensive structures for air units. This makes that base stronger, especially for air strikes.

Base 19

This base aims to protect your TH and your hall from being destroyed by the enemy. You can see this by the location of the two buildings that stand in the middle and the surrounding areas are defense buildings.

Base 20

Basis TH 11 COC

Walapuan looks easy to meet but don’t get me wrong. This base is difficult to penetrate for opponents with many unexpected traps.

Base 21

At this base it seems easy for the opponent to penetrate. You can see this as if there is a long road to TH. But you don’t think it’s a trap, because traps and defensive buildings are already waiting for the opposing troops.

Base 22

This base has the shape of a sector that will make it difficult for the opposing troops with the many defensive buildings.

Also read:
1. 10 Base TH 5 Strongest Anti Giant COC
2. How to farm TH 9 COC using the Babyloon strategy

Shut down

That is the discussion about the TH 11 COC Anti 3-Star Basis Recommendation. Are you Vexa friends who want to use this basic recommendation? Or even run? Until next time.