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How to Get a Christmas Tree in COC Base

Update Clash of Clans with a Christmas theme this year has quite a lot of surprises. But there is only one thing that is still a mystery, namely the Christmas tree that never arrived at some bases.

You may already know about the Clash of Clans update which has been the talk of the town for the past few days. There are collectors and mines with new levels and an archer tower with 2x the speed. But there is one more thing that is still being questioned by Clash of Clans players, namely a Christmas tree with a special gift in it. 

There are players who have got this tree, and some have not. If we cut down this Christmas tree we have to issue some elixir, but the result given from this tree is 75,000 gold. Actually, this Christmas tree will soon appear by itself without you having to do anything to your base, but sometimes our curiosity overpowers our patience.

For those who may not or can't wait to get this Christmas tree, I will give you some tips so that you get this Christmas tree soon.

1. Clean Base

From some Clash of Clans players, they get this tree by clearing their base from the obstacles that are scattered in their base. Use 2 builder huts to quickly clear your base, but if you only have 1 builder hut idle, you can use them too. This method is not instant because a new obstacle will appear every 8 hours. Maybe what appears is the Christmas tree that you guys will later.

2. Using Gems

When I asked my Clan friends about how they got the Christmas tree. And one of the members answered that he got a Christmas tree by using his gems to boost mine and collectors. Whether it's a coincidence or it's a game system, I also saw the same comment from one of the members on the game forum.

3. Provide Large Space for Obstacles to Grow

The wider the vacant land in our base, the more obstacles that can grow in our base. Give room for obstacles to grow, and you will most likely get a Christmas tree.

4. Waiting

If all of the above we have done, now is the time for us to just wait for the results. Sometimes, there are those who immediately get this Christmas tree on the same day, and there are also those who get it the next day.

Basically, every game is designed with a system of mathematical algorithms and logic. So everything in this game can be taken into account, from the length of the base upgrade to the appearance of this Christmas tree. Now because this tree is given randomly to all Clash of Clans players, this tree will appear on different days and in different places. Even the amount obtained in each base is not always the same, there are those who get 1, and there are also those who get 2 Christmas trees. Now we just have to use the mathematical logic that we have learned in school by trying the tips I gave above. Who knows you can get it faster than other players.