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8 names of planets in the solar system and their pictures

There are a total of 8 planets in the solar system. The names of these planets are very confusing. Especially in exams and lessons, it is important to know the order well in order to answer the questions correctly. So what are the names of the planets in order, what are the pictures of the planets, information about all the planets in the solar system is here.

The solar system is a planetary system that includes a central star, namely the sun, as well as all other natural celestial bodies, which in turn revolve around the sun.

The names of the planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, respectively, according to their proximity to the Sun. Pluto was previously considered a planet, but was later removed. So, what is the picture of the planet, its name? Which planet is closest to Earth and the Sun? What are the largest and smallest planets? Here’s the explanation:

What is a Planet?

Planet Name

Planets are celestial bodies orbiting stars. In general, the concept of planets is used to identify 8 celestial bodies in the Solar System, which are direct satellites of the Sun and have been deemed appropriate by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). But of course there are many other planets too. But when it comes to planets, the planets in the solar system appear first. In this case, the term planet refers to the 8 planets.

In the Solar System, in addition to the ‘eight officially recognized planets, the discovery of new celestial bodies that can be placed in one group with these bodies in terms of size, orbit and physical characteristics, and on the other hand, detection of celestial bodies similar to the planets of the Solar System The sun around another star,’ he has blurred the boundaries of the definition of ‘planet’.

8 The names of the planetary systems in the Solar System, accepted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), are as follows in order of their proximity to the Sun:

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars
  5. Jupiter
  6. Saturn
  7. Uranus
  8. Neptune

Planet Names and Pictures

1. Mercury

Mercury - the names of the planets

Mercury is the name of the smallest planet in the Solar System and closest to the Sun. The picture is as above. The color is dark gray. It is the fastest planet in the solar system. It takes its name from the Roman god Mercury. Mercury has no satellites.

The planet is named after the ancient Roman god of commerce – fast-footed Mercury. The fact is that this planet is moving much faster than any other planet.

Mercury orbits the Sun completely in 88 Earth days, while the duration of a sidereal day on Mercury is 58.65 Earth days.

The closest to the Sun is only slightly larger than the Moon. During the day, the side facing the Sun can reach 450 Celsius, but on the night side, the temperature drops to hundreds of degrees below freezing.

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2. Venus

2. VENUS - planet names

Venus is the name of the 2nd closest planet to the Sun. Named after the goddess of love Venus. It should be noted that this is the only planet that received its name in honor of female, not male gods.

Venus is very similar to Earth, and not only in size, but also in composition and even gravity.

It is believed that there used to be many oceans on Venus, similar to ours. However, some time ago, the planet was so hot that all the water evaporated, leaving only rocks. Water vapor is carried into space.

3. Earth

3. Earth - names of planets
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The name of the planet and its next image is Earth. It is the only planet known to have life. Earth’s atmosphere is rich in nitrogen and oxygen, which allow life to survive.

It formed about 4.5 billion years ago, after which it almost immediately merged with its only satellite, the Moon. It is believed that life on Earth appeared about 3.9 billion years ago and over time its biosphere began to change for the better , which made it possible to form the ozone layer, promote the growth of aerobic organisms, etc. All of this, among other things, allows us to exist now.

4. Mars

4. Mars - the names of the planets
Where did the name Mars come from?

The 4th planet closest to the Sun is Mars. It is said that the name of the planet mars comes from the Roman goddess Mars. Another name for the planet Mars means “Red Planet“. Mars has 2 moons. These are Phobos and Deimos. Mars appears in a mixed red-red-orange color.

Mars has a surface pressure 160 times less than Earth pressure. On the surface, there are craters similar to those seen on the Moon. There are also volcanoes, deserts, valleys, and even ice sheets.

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5. Jupiter

5. Jupiter - names of planets

The fifth planet, Jupiter, is the largest planet in our solar system. It consists mostly of gases – hydrogen and helium. That’s why they are also called gas giants.

It rotates around the sun in 12 years. It has a total of 79 satellites. Jupiter has been known for a long time, which is reflected in ancient myths and legends. It has a very large number of satellites – 67 to be exact. Interestingly, some of them were discovered centuries ago. So, Galileo Galilei himself discovered 4 satellites in 1610.

Sometimes Jupiter can be seen with the naked eye, as happened in 2010.

6. Saturn

6. Saturn - the names of the planets

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. It was named after the Roman god of agriculture.

It is known that Saturn is composed of hydrogen with signs of water, helium, ammonia, methane and other heavy elements, Average temperature -180 C. Unusual wind speeds are seen on this planet – around 1800 kilometers per hour.

Saturn has prominent rings, which are mostly made up of ice, dust, and other elements. In addition, Saturn has 63 satellites, one of which, Titan, even exceeds the size of Mercury.

7. Uranus

7. Uranus - the names of the planets

The 7th planet closest to the sun is Uranus. According to most sources, Uranus is the coldest of the planets in terms of average temperature. It has a total of 27 satellites. It rotates around the sun in 84 years. The planet’s temperature drops to -214 ° C. Uranus is a mixed blue-green color.

Astronomers thought the planet collided with a planet-sized object long ago, causing it to bend.

Uranus was the first planet discovered with a telescope between the Middle Ages and modern times. Interestingly, although planets can sometimes be seen with the naked eye, before they were discovered, they were generally believed to be faint stars.

As mentioned earlier, Uranus was accidentally discovered with a telescope by William Herschel in 1781.

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8. Neptune

8. Neptune - names of planets

Neptune is the 8th planet in the solar system that is farthest from the sun, has 14 moons. It is one of the names of the coldest planets in the Solar System. The planet’s temperature drops to -218 ° C. It is very rich in hydrogen and helium. As you can see above, Neptune is a blue planet.

Neptune was discovered in 1846, and interestingly, not through observation, but through mathematical calculations. Initially, only one of his companions was found, although the other 13 were not known until the 20th century.

The Order of the Names of the Planets in the Solar System

The planets of the solar system are arranged in the following order:

  • Mercury. The name of the smallest planet in the solar system
  • Venus. The descriptions of hell are taken from him: terrible heat, evaporation of sulfur and the eruption of many volcanoes.
  • Earth. The third planet is ordered from the Sun, our home.
  • Mars. Known as the red planet.
  • Jupiter. The largest planet in the solar system.
  • Saturn with its famous rings.
  • Uranus. The coldest planet.
  • Neptune. It is the “Real” planet farthest from the Sun.

So I share a list of planet names and pictures. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of you. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends.

Planet Names In English

You can find planets in English in our solar system, English pronunciation for planets in the table below.

Saturn Saturn