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9 Ways To See Aura From Your Birth Date, You Must Memorize

How to see the aura of the date of birth

How to see the aura of the date of birth – Aura is believed to be very important in everyday life and many say that it can make fortune flow freely. But of course we have to know how to see the aura from the date of birth first.

Everyone who is born in the world has various colors of aura. It is this color that can affect various existing circumstances, such as compassion, fortune, love and others.

In general, auras cannot be seen with the naked eye because they are supernatural. To see it we must have an unusual sharpness of the sense of sight or what is often called the mind’s eye.

People who are a little familiar with auras definitely want to see it. But it turns out that aura can not only be seen with the sixth sense, but even from the date of birth if we memorize it.

The way to see the aura of the date of birth is nothing but to memorize some numbers.

Each number has a different color and can determine the aura. This is very suitable for beginners.

So, if you want to learn how to see auras from your date of birth, it is advisable to memorize all the numbers that I will give below.

Here’s how to see the aura from your date of birth that you can try.

How to see the aura of the date of birth

1. Birthday 1

Most people born on the 1st have an orange aura color. This color means that he is independent and has a strong desire to achieve.

2. Date of Birth 2

For those born on the 2nd, the color is light blue, which means they have calm and balance.

3. Date of Birth 3

The color pink carries with it a flair and intelligence that can do anything.

4. Date of Birth 4

A brown aura that makes one firm and practical.

5. Birthday 5

Birthday 5 accompanied by a red aura. But on the other hand there are those found with rainbow colors. Both are related to intensity, variety and also passion.

6. Birthday 6

In this section, yellow is reliable, intelligent and easy to get along with.

7. Birthday 7

The purple aura is suitable for those born on the 7th who like abstract things.

8. Birthday 8

The date of birth 8 has a combination of aura colors, namely green and yellow which will have the meaning of success and never give up in the pursuit of success.

9. Birthday 9

For the latter, it is green which is capable of caring in all matters and endeavors.

How to see aura from date of birth just choose the number above according to your date of birth. For example, if you were born on the 25th, just combine the numbers 2 and 5. Then read the description.

It may look simple but you have to memorize it if you want to use it everyday so you don’t forget it later.

That’s how to see the aura of the date of birth. The method is very easy, even if you are a beginner, you can definitely learn it. Hopefully useful and good luck.