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5 Heroes Must Pick in Mythic Mobile Legends (ML) Rank

Confused about what hero to use to increase points in Mythic rank? You must pick these heroes if you want to increase points in the Mythic rank. Then, what are the mandatory heroes to pick in Rank Mythic?

After completing the Legend tier, you will of course find a significant difference in gameplay after entering the Mythic rank.

The draft Pock at Mythic rank looks very different when compared to Legend rank. At the Mythic rank, players usually have enough understanding of the basic strategy to win the game.

Well, that’s why for those of you who want to quickly raise points in Mythic, of course you must have basic basic Mobile Legends knowledge such as a tier list of heroes that are suitable for playing in Mythic.

But don’t worry, below we have prepared a list of heroes that you must pick if you see them loose in the Mythic rank. Who do you think they are? see the continuation below:


How to Play Ling A la RRQ Albertt

The first hero in the list of heroes that you must pick in the Mythic ranking is Ling.

Having very sick damage with critical build, Ling can finish off enemies in the Land of Dawn quickly. In addition, Ling’s mobility is also very fast, making it easier for him to rotate to the sidelane area, the use of Ling is arguably not difficult enough for beginners.

Lately, Ling has been paired with jungle emblems quite often, which can help him jungling faster.


Hero Counter Beatrix Mobile Legends (ML)

The second hero in the list of heroes that you must pick in the Mythic ranking is Beatrix.

With her skills that can issue 4 types of weapons (Wesker, Nibiru, Bennet, and Renner), Beatrix really shines in META Mobile Legends this time, even Beatrix managed to become the most popular hero during MPL Indonesia Season 9.

With these 4 weapons, Beatrix is ​​indeed the perfect hero when viewed from all sides.


The third hero in the list of heroes that you must pick in the Mythic ranking is Xavier.

The new hero mage immediately became a very popular midlaner hero in META this time. Because Xavier’s skills can be said to be very annoying.

Xavier’s ultimate skill allows him to deal magic burst damage with a very long range. In addition, Xavier also has a skill that can stop the enemy’s movement.

This makes Xavier always play with a position far behind so it is difficult to pick off, therefore Xavier is one of the heroes that you must pick when playing in the Mythic rank.


The fourth hero in the list of heroes that you must pick in the Mythic ranking is Grock.

To secure heroes in the EXP Lane area, you can take Grock as one of the best EXP laner options in META Mobile Legends now.

With his skills improved by Moonton, now Grock is one of the broken heroes in Mobile Legends. His 1st skill now has enormous damage, not to mention there is additional damage from the emblem he uses.

In addition, Grock with his ultimate is also able to stun the enemy for 1.8 seconds. Of course such a stun effect will be very difficult for the enemy.


Easy Buff Hero in Mobile Legends (ML)

The last hero on the list of heroes that you must pick in the Mythic ranking is Franco.

With the skills that Franco has he can attract enemies who are hit by “Iron Hook” to his location. In addition, with his ultimate Franco can give a very long stun effect.

This of course will make the enemy that Franco succeeded in pulling almost certainly to death.

Franco’s game itself is also quite often seen in Mobile Legends tournaments in the MPL class, because in META this time, Franco is one of the heroes who can stop the movement of high-mobility heroes.

Well, that’s it guys for the list of heroes that you should pick when raising points in the Mythic rank. Good luck!