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15 Ways to Setting PUBG Scope So It Doesn't Shake Proven to be Effective 2022

How to Setting PUBG Scope So It Doesn’t Shake – The game that is currently worldwide is PUBG Mobile, a game that is very popular because it is fun to play with the aim of getting a win or you could say Winner Winner Chicken Dinner is not an easy matter.

One of the most troublesome things in the PUBG Mobile game is setting the recoil when shooting so it doesn’t shake. Recoil is the impact effect when firing

Recoil that can disrupt the direction of the shot or aim, thus making the player shake when shooting.

This time, Ulingame will give tips on how to set the PUBG scope so that it doesn’t shake and how to shoot to be stable, don’t go up and down, and provide sensitivity for shots.

For more details, just listen to how to set the article below until it’s finished.

How to Setting Scope PUBG so it doesn’t shake

When you want to hold the recoil so that when shooting it doesn’t shake, then you can use ADS, Camera and Gyroscope

For players who are confused HOW TO SET UP PUBG SENSITIVITY ADS, Camera and Gyroscope so that it doesn’t shake, then you see how to set the sensitivity of ADS, Camera and Gyroscope below.

ADS Sensitivity

ADS sensitivity How to set the PUBG scope so it doesn't shake

ADS (Aim Down Sight) sensitivity is a PUBG setting to control shot recoil. Adjusting ADS sensitivity can help you shoot at close range targets quickly.

For PUBG players who are looking for a way to set the PUBG scope so it doesn’t shake, the solution is in ADS Sensitivity. The higher the sensitivity value, the higher the control over shot recoil. Here’s how the settings below.

  • No Scope 3rd person (TPP) = 80%
  • No Scope 1st person (FPP) = 80%
  • Red Laser, Holographic, Sight = 29%
  • Scope 2x = 30%
  • Scope 3x, Win94 = 17%
  • Scope 4x, VSS = 18%
  • Scope 6x = 9%
  • Scope 8x = 7%


Camera Settings How to Setting Scope PUBG so it doesn't shake

The camera is a setting that regulates the direction of the angle of view on the sensitivity of the scope. The setting will be felt if you are using the scope.

This is very important when shooting with a high scope, usually this requires more movement because you will be aiming at the enemy’s target area. Here’s how the settings below.

  • No Scope 3rd person (TPP) = 80%
  • No Scope 1st person (FPP) = 80%
  • Red Laser, Holographic, Sight = 29%
  • Scope 2x = 30%
  • Scope 3x = 17%
  • Scope 4x = 18%
  • Scope 6x = 9%
  • Scope 8x = 7%


Gyroscope Settings

Gyroscope is a sensor on a cellphone that PUBG players can use to help change the direction of the shot to the target faster. If you change the gyroscope setting, then you will change the direction and hold the shot recoil by simply moving the cellphone.

But not all cellphones/smartphones are equipped with a gyroscope sensor. Here’s how the settings below.

  • No Scope 3rd person (TPP) = 235%
  • No Scope 1st person (FPP) = 240%
  • Red Laser, Holographic, Sight = 300%
  • Scope 2x = 300%
  • Scope 3x = 134%
  • Scope 4x = 147%
  • Scope 6x = 34%
  • Scope 8x = 40%

After you have set the sensitivity, you may not immediately be able to shoot anti-recoil. The way to shoot so that the recoil is stable requires several separate tricks, for example when shooting.

Talking about shooting is certainly identical to how to set the finger control when playing. Previously Ulingame has made an article on how to use 3 FINGER CONTROL SETTINGS and 4 FINGER CONTROL SETTINGS which you can use to be a determining factor for victory or Chicken dinner when playing PUBG Mobile.

This will definitely make it easier for you when holding shots at the enemy using your finger. It becomes easier if you set the shot button and the aiming binocular button to the enemy, set it slightly up so that the finger can slide down to hold the recoil.

In addition to using your fingers, you can also use a gyroscope to hold the recoil, but using a gyroscope is a bit difficult and takes a lot of time to learn. This gyroscope will move according to the direction of the cellphone, so to recoil using the gyroscope, you just need to move the cellphone towards the top and the aim of the target will move down. How to activate the gyroscope, in the settings menu then the Basic menu and please activate the gyroscope, scope on or always on.

Shooting Tips so as not to Shake

There are several ways when shooting that you can try so that Aim does not shake.

Here are some ways to keep it from shaking when shooting:

  • If you still feel the shot is still unstable, you can also shoot using your left thumb or right thumb to hold the movement of the weapon to keep it stable.
  • If you want to produce a closer shot, you can shoot while squatting.
  • You can be prone or prone if you want to shoot more tightly and don’t shake.

The final word

Those are some ways to set the PUBG scope so it doesn’t shake and how to shoot so that your shooting becomes stable. Don’t forget to try the PUBG scope setting so it doesn’t shake above to make it more comfortable when playing. Hopefully it will be useful and make more Chicken Dinners.