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Real-time PVP Tower Defense Game, Hero Royale Comes to Android

Hero Royale is a real-time PVP tower defense game where you can enjoy real-time, fast-paced battles. It has been developed by Type Ten Studios. In Hero Royale, your goal is to build the ultimate battle deck and protect your kingdom from monsters. You will have two types of cards – heroes and abilities. To build a strong deck, you need to unlock heroes. Initially, there will be five heroes at level one, with one main hero, a crusader. With ability cards, you will be able to collect special abilities that you can use to defend yourself. There will be seasonal and daily tasks to do and various special offers to claim as you rank up.

You can combine heroes to increase their efficiency when fighting monsters. When you start a battle, you have to choose a boss, and there will be a piper to keep an eye on the monsters. At the end of each level, you must take down the boss of your choice. As you progress, you’ll enjoy fast-paced real-time battles between other players to protect the kingdom from monsters.

The gameplay is quite interesting, but you have to be careful when playing with the heroes on the deck because the matches are fast-paced. Each level will have heroes, skills, tasks and other offers. Several wars will be unlocked after getting 150 trophies, and also, there is a premier pass. You can check out the trailer below to see some of the gameplay.

Hero Royale has just been released worldwide on Android. You can download it from Google Play.