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Prepare These 6 Materials Before Yelan Comes to Genshin Impact!

Prepare These 6 Materials Before Yelan Comes to Genshin Impact!

Yelah, it’s been leaked that it’s officially coming to Genshin Impact. Although it is not certain because version 2.7 is still quite old.

However, several leaks related to skills and even their appearance in the latest Archon Quest seem to make this character even more certain to be present in the upcoming 2.7 version.

Even though it’s early, it doesn’t hurt if you get ready for the material because it’s possible that you can farm since version 2.6.

READ ALSO: There are Primogems, this is the Latest Genshin Impact Redeem Code March 31, 2022!

Well, about this, here SPIN Esports has a leak, which is reported from the twitter page @deviltakoyaki

Material Ascend & Talent Yelan Genshin Impact

Material Ascension Character Yelan and Total Mora

Recruit’s Insignia, Sergeant’s Insignia, Lieutenant’s Insignia

You can find this item through Fatui Agent, Skirmishers, Cicin Mage in Liyue. The details you need to upgrade:

  • 18 Recruit’s Insignia
  • 30 Sergeant’s Insignia
  • 36 Lieutenant’s Insignia

And for Talent as much as:

  • 18 Recruit’s Insignia
  • 66 Sergeant’s Insignia
  • 93 Lieutenant’s Insignia

Varunada Lazurite

You can get this material from Coral Defenders, Electo Hypostasis, Primo Geovishap, and Thunder Manifestation. The details you need:

  • 1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver
  • 9 Varunada Lazurite Fragment
  • 9 Varunada Lazurite Chunk
  • 6 Varunada Lazurite Gemstone

Runic Fang

The materials that you can only get from the boss are Ruin Serpent (location in Chasm). Total you need 46 Runic Fang.


For this material you will need approx 168 pieces which are scattered in the Liyue region especially on the outskirts of the coast.

In full, you can directly check the following article, Location and How to Get Starconch at Genshin Impact

Books of Prosperity

You can find this ascending material in the Altar of Flame domain on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays.

  • 9 Teachings of Prosperity
  • 63 Guides to Prosperity
  • 114 Philosophies of Prosperity

Gilded Scale

The last material you can get from Zhongli’s weekly boss story quest is Azhdaha. You need a total of 18 Gilded Scales.

That’s what you need to prepare to maximize Yelan before it is actually released in Genshin Impact. At least you can maximize the level first. Hope it helps, Spinners.

READ ALSO: Very Fragrant, Here’s Gameplay Leaks from Yelan Genshin Impact

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