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Build Wanwan Sick 2022, Make her Ulti Quickly Active!

Wanwan Mobile Legends

Hello Mobile Legends friends, in this review, the admin will share the list of the sickest Wanwan builds that can make his ulti active quickly.

Yep, we know Wanwan is one of the marksman heroes who is quite annoying. The reason is, this hero is able to jump up and down every time he attacks with a basic attack.

Of course, it could make Wanwan’s movements faster. Moreover, from the ultimate skill it is also very troublesome that it can fly while attacking the opponent.

Even so, Wanwan’s special ability of course needs to be maximized through the right build item arrangement. So, for those of you who are interested in playing Wanwan, it is very mandatory for you to know the composition of the sickest Wanwan build which the admin will discuss below.

Wanwan’s Skills Explanation

As usual, the admin will first explain about Wanwan’s skills so that you can understand more about playing them.

Wanwan’s skills consist of one passive skill and three active skills. Here is a full explanation.

  • Passive Skill – Tiger Pace: Wanwan can move a short distance when she throws a Sleeve Dart and can deal additional damage.
  • Skill One – Swallow’s Path: Wanwan will throw a Fire Swallow in the specified direction and take it back up to three times. When the opponent is hit it can cause a stun effect.
  • Skill Two – Needles in Flowers: For his second skill, Wanwan can remove all crowd control effects that hit him. So, when Wanwan gets stun or other CC effects, she can be released by pressing these two skills.
  • Ultimate Skill – Crossbow of Tank: Well, for this ultimate skill, Wanwan will fly and shoot arrows at the opponent whose entire Weakness is hit for a few seconds.

So, what you need to understand in playing this Wanwan hero is how to activate his ultimate skill. As for the way, you have to destroy the Weakness of the opponents around him.

The meaning of the Weakness is a ring-shaped light that surrounds the opponent that appears every time you hit the target. So, you only need to destroy the Weakness to be able to activate Wanwan’s ultimate skill.

Build Wanwan Mobile Legends Hurts

After explaining Wanwan’s skills, the admin will go to the core of the discussion, namely determining the order of the worst builds.

In terms of attributes, Wanwan needs additional physical attacks, attack speed and penetration. For the complete build structure, you can see the list below:

Build Wanwan Hurt
  • Corrosion Scythe: Increases physical attack, movement speed, attack speed and passively reduces the opponent’s movement speed.
  • Demon Hunter Sword: Increases physical attack, attack speed and passive additional damage.
  • Windtalker: Increases attack speed, movement speed, critical chance and passive gives additional magic-type damage.
  • Wind of Nature: Increases physical attack, attack speed, physical lifesteal and immunity to all physical damage when activated.
  • Malefic Roar: Increase physical attack, physical penetration and passive increase physical penetration every time it deals damage.
  • Immortality: Increases HP, physical defense and passive revives when eliminated.

Based on the build above, you can see that Wanwan’s hero doesn’t need shoe items. That’s because Wanwan’s passive ability can move quickly.

Wanwan’s Emblem and Spell

For the selection of Wanwan’s emblems and spells, you also need to pay attention. The emblem that fits the Wanwan hero is the emblem Marksman with talent Weakness Finder.

Wanwan's Emblem and Talent

With this emblem, Wanwan will get additional attributes and abilities that can reduce the opponent’s movement speed and attack speed.

Then, to determine a good spell to maximize Wanwan’s damage, namely Inspire. However, if you feel that the opposing heroes you are facing are quite dangerous in terms of capture, then you should use a spell Aegis only that can provide a shield to survive.

Well, if that’s enough of the reviews this time about the build composition of the sick Wanwan version of the BugisTekno version along with an explanation of the skills. Hopefully useful and happy playing.