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How to Open Blocked Sites on Android Easily

How to Open Blocked Sites in Android Browser – Internet is a basic need of everyone today. whether used for online business, seeking knowledge, or other entertainment. because the internet is wide and widely used, so there are various websites on the internet that are growing very much. There are various sites on the internet. from educational sites, entertainment, health and so on. but to access certain sites, we often cannot access the site because the site is blocked by the government. especially to access Positive Internet blocked sites on android, this time NakBlogz will share a few short tricks on how to open blocked sites on Android for free.

Before going into the subject of the tutorial on opening a site that is blocked by positive internet on Android. it’s good for us to know the reasons why these sites can be blocked by positive internet. Usually if the site smells of adult entertainment or the like, the government and the sim card that you are using will not be able to be used to open the site in any browser. Therefore, it is better not to visit blocked sites if you do not want personal assets such as accounts, the cache may be misused by the site owner.

But if you still want to visit the site, your personal assets are still safe. maybe the tutorial that I will give now can help. because currently the people of the country are being influenced by the digital world, namely the internet, it is not wrong for the government to also swiftly close / block prohibited sites that will harm internet users, especially Indonesia. Well… if you still want to open blocked sites on Android just for fun, here’s how to easily and safely open a site blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Information on Android.

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How to Open Blocked Sites on Android Browser

To open a blocked site at this time, you no longer need to change the vpn on Android or the like which will make you confused yourself, because now there is a practical way to open a blocked site, namely by using a VPN application. for the next step, please refer to the application to open sites that are blocked by positive internet and how to use it below.

1. First Download the Application TURBO VPN download via google play store (DOWNLOAD)

2. Open the application and then select the internet server that you want to use to access the internet. that is by pressing earth icon ( Top right corner ) then select various internet servers. I recommend choosing a Singapore server because the network is more stable than other servers.

3. After you have finished selecting the internet server, you tap carrot icon to connect to the internet. just wait a few seconds until the vpn application says Connected.

4. Done.

After Turbo VPN is connected to the internet, you can minimize the application. remember don’t remove the application let the turbo vpn application keep running. and then you can open any bowser application to access the blocked site.

Important : If you use Turbo VPN to access the internet, the internet location that is read by your browser will follow the internet server you selected in the Turbo VPN application.

Conclusion :

That’s How to Open Blocked Sites on Android Easily. if you use a turbo vpn for an internet server, it is certainly very safe to visit sites that are blocked by positive internet. but to be safe it’s a good idea you don’t have to access a blocked site because the government just blocks it means the site is no longer appropriate. but if the site is important to you, you can try the method above, namely How to Easily Open Blocked Sites on Android. maybe that’s the only way to open blocked sites on an android phone and a way to open blocked sites on android without root. Hope it is useful.