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How to make WhatsApp look offline even though it's online

How to make WhatsApp look offline even though it’s online – The Whatsapp Social Media application is a communication application that is loved by many people today. because by using whatsapp we can easily and quickly communicate with someone without a long pending.

By using whatsapp you can also see someone you are chatting with whether he is online or not online (Offline). for those of you who have busy work that must not be disturbed, you can deactivate your whatsapp online status so that when the person who wants to chat with you sees your offline status.

By turning off the online code on whatsapp to make it look offline you don’t need to turn off cellular data to look offline on whatsapp. With the many advantages of turning off the online code in wa status, you need to disable the online status.

Then many people ask how to set WhatsApp so it doesn’t appear online? Well this time I will share a way to make wa look offline even though it’s online easily on all android phones. Well, no need to waste time, here’s how to make WhatsApp not appear online.

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How to Look Offline on Whatsapp Android

As I explained above, the advantages of turning off online codes on WhatsApp are numerous, one of which is that people who want to spam chat with you think twice because they see your status offline. if you are a busy person, you can change whatsapp to make it look offline in the following way.

Steps to turn off online code on whatsapp

1]. First, you open the WhatsApp application. then you select the three dots in the upper right corner, on the WhatsApp application.

2]. Then you selectSettings

3]. The third step, you select the text “Account

4]. Next, you select “Privacy

5]. On the menu “Privacy“There are many choices, you just choose”Last Viewed

6]. Finally, you select on the menu “Last Viewed“you just choose”There is not any

7]. Finished.

INFO : Now your Whatsapp looks offline even though it’s online. in a way that is not visible when online above, you do not need to use other additional applications to disable online writing to be offline on whatsapp status.

The final word :

That’s How to make WhatsApp look offline even though it’s online. By eliminating online time on WhatsApp, going offline might be able to reduce you from spam chats from someone. well maybe that’s all how to hide words online in wa and how to look offline on wa android. Hope it is useful.