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How to Enable Youtube Restricted Mode on Android Phone

Youtube is a social media as a place to interact between YouTubers and subscribers through video content. Youtube is growing so fast that millions of people already use Youtube accounts. Starting from children to adults, many like to watch videos on Youtube.

limited mode youtube

Various video content has been updated with videos, ranging from children’s viewing to adult content. This makes parents worried about their children who like to watch videos on Youtube. Although Youtube has launched Youtube Kids which contains child-friendly video content, there are still many parents who don’t know how to use Youtube Kids.

Therefore the solution is to use the Youtube Limited Mode feature, by using this feature, you as a parent don’t have to worry anymore if your favorite child watches Youtube videos on your Android phone. Because by using Youtube limited mode, all the content that will appear on the homepage will contain more friendly content.

How to Enable Youtube Restricted Mode on Android Phone

How to enable Youtube Restricted Mode? For those of you who don’t know how to activate YouTube limited mode, Babang will give a complete and clear tutorial.

Here are the steps

1. Open the Youtube application on your Android phone.

2. After opening, on the Youtube homepage, please enter your account by pressing the profile on the top right.

3. Next you select Settings (Settings)

4. After exiting the new menu, then you select General.

5. Swipe down and look for the words Youtube Limited Mode, then activate the mode by sliding the sign next to it until it turns blue.

6. Return to the Youtube homepage and then restart your Youtube homepage.

7. Done, your Youtube is family frendly.

The final word
So that’s how to activate Youtube restricted mode, hopefully this way your Youtube homepage will be more family frendly and good luck!