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5 Free Online Tryout Sites for SBMPTN UTBK Preparation

For those of you who are going to enter a State University or PTN with the UTBK SBMPTN pathway, especially if you are taking the UTBK SBMPTN for the first time, then trying the Tryout (TO) question is a solution to mature you so that you are sure to face the UTBK SBMPTN.

To be ready to face the Computer-Based Written Exam or commonly known as the UTBK SBMPTN, you must prepare it as early as possible so that you can do it optimally.

Studying hard by doing questions, taking private lessons and working on examples of SBMPTN questions is what you have to do right now.

This online tryout can also be an alternative if you ask your classmate about the SBMPTN but it is not given or has been given to someone else.

You can also try Tryout Online to broaden your horizons before facing the UTBK SBMPTN. In the following, Babang will provide recommendations for 5 UTBK SBMPTN Free Tryout sites.

5 Free Online Tryout Sites for SBMPTN UTBK Preparation

Some of the sites that Babang will recommend later are sites that provide free examples of UTBK SBMPTN questions.
All you need is a computer, laptop or smartphone that is connected to the internet.
You can work on the questions together with your friends, private teachers or can be done independently.

Here are 5 Free Online Tryout sites for UTBK SBMPTN


The first site for Tryout Online SBMPTN is

On this site, you will find questions for various types of exams including the SBMPTN exam to train and prepare before taking the exam.

Not only SBMPTN questions, this site also provides elementary, junior high, high school, CPNS, STAN, Banking and Midwifery tryout questions.

To be able to work on the questions on, you must first register for free.

After registering, you can go directly to the SBMPTN menu on the Homepage to take part in the Online Tryout.

On this site you will get thousands of questions ranging from Mathematics, Physics, Indonesian, Chemistry, English, Economics, History and Academic Potential Tests.

All questions given are a collection of SBMPTN questions from the previous year and their answers.

The second free online tryout site is Ruang Guru.

Just like the previous site, before you try the Tryout SBMPTN questions, you are required to register for free first.

After you finish registering, you can directly download the SBMPTN questions that have been provided by Ruang Guru.

On this site you will be given questions ranging from English, Biology, Indonesian, Basic Mathematics, History, Geography, and Sociology lessons.

Later you will be given 10 complete questions along with answer keys and discussion for each subject.

However, to be able to experience a full online tryout, you have to pay a certain fee.

If you choose the free package, you can only download questions to do yourself offline.

The next SBMPTN online tryout site is Come on! Try Out, this site is the same as the two sites that Babang wrote above, you can do online tryouts for free on this site.

To be able to log in on this site, you are required to ask for a login code at Line Official @ayotryout first.

This site provides the old version of the passing grade score and the new version. There is also an answer key and discussion of the questions.

In addition, later you will also be ranked nationally with other members who take part in the online tryout here.

You will get two types of questions, namely SAINTEK and SOSHUM. You can choose one, whether you want to do SAINTEK (IPA) or SOSHUM (IPS) question types.

However, to be able to get full access and be able to work on questions online. You are required to become a premium member by paying a fee.

The fourth site that provides free tryout questions is Utron.

You can do the SBMPTN online tryout on this site free of charge or free.

Before that you have to register first by entering your name, email, school origin, after you finish registering you can immediately work on the questions.

Utron provides three types of questions, namely TKA SOSHUM (IPS), TKA SAINTEK (IPA) and TPS.

If you choose SAINTEK questions, you will work on SAINTEK TKA questions and TPS questions. Later you will get points from working on the two materials and then divide by 10. From these results you will immediately know your passing grade.

For SOSHUM type questions, the rules are the same as for SAINTEK questions, only the content of the questions is different.

Each question has a different value depending on the difficulty. The same as the SBMPTN scoring system in 2021.

After you finish working on the SBMPTN tryout questions, the results will be sent directly to the email you used when registering.

For those of you who are free, you can immediately work on the questions even though the choice of questions is limited.

The last site for the SBMPTN preparation online tryout is the SBMPTN Practice.

Before doing a tryout you have to register or register first on this site for free.

Later you will get three types of question choices such as Soshum, Saintek and Mixed.

You will be given 75 questions with a duration of 75 minutes.

After completing the work, you will immediately be able to see the value along with the correct answer.

Just like the previous SBMPTN online tryout site, to get full service from this site, you are required to pay or upgrade to premium with costs starting from Rp. 200,000;-

The final word

So those are 5 online tryout sites for SBMPTN preparation that you should try, hopefully with these sites, you won’t be surprised anymore when working on the SBMPTN UTBK questions.

Stay optimistic and enthusiastic for you SBMPTN fighters, hopefully you will pass and be accepted at your favorite PTN!!