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New Character Genshin Impact 2.1, Leaked Info is Here -

Genshin Impact's New Character

Genshin Impact 2.1 New Characters – Just released the version 2.0 update, news about the leaked version 2.1 genshin impact update has started circulating. In this version 2.0 update, MiHoYo added many new things. Starting from the Inazuma region, Ayaka’s character banner, a 5-star character from one of the big clans in Inazua, the Kamisato clan. And a number of the latest quests and events can also be played.

This time MiHoYo did make a big update, so travelers were very excited to play immediately. Apart from this info, leaks have circulated about Genshin Impact 2.1 New Characters. Of course, travelers are curious about the detailed info, if so, see the continuation of this article,

The Latest Genshin Impact 2.1 New Character Leaks

Leaks about new characters in the Genshin Impact game are always interesting to discuss. As will be reviewed this time, namely about the new characters in Genshin Impact version 2.0. From the information circulating, there are 3 new characters whose identities have been known. Update version 2.1 is likely to be done next month. About who are the new characters in the next version of Geshin Impact version 2.2, here is the interesting info.

  1. Raiden Shogun

Raiden shogun aka Baal is an Archon from the Inazuma region. This character will most likely be the next banner. Based on the latest leaked update, Raiden Shogun will use the main weapon Polearm which can be turned into a sword thanks to his abilities. Chichi Ken’s Raiden Elemental skill allows this character to draw elector energy and turn it into a sword from the soul he has. This power can be used in various ways depending on the duration. Most likely Raiden Shogun can use two modes simultaneously.

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The gameplay of this beautiful character is also very interesting, similar to Childe but even more interesting. This character’s elemental skill has two modes, namely pressing once and holding an elemental skill. Both will produce different attacks. Interestingly, Baal’s signature weapon is still a set with the Mistsplitter’s Rflection weapon so it has secondary stats for crit damage. Raiden Shogun is also the first Archon character to become DPS in Genshin Impact.

  1. Kokomi

Kokomi seems to be using a catalys weapon with hydro vision. At first glance the appearance of kokomi is somewhat similar to Mimi. Mimi herself is a character that was previously leaked. There are also those who say that kokomi is a mimi who has undergone changes. Actually there is no definite confirmation about this beautiful character, it’s just that looking at the design and gameplay in the teaser, travelers guess that this beauty will become a magic book user.

  1. Kujou Sara

Kujuo sara is the assistant of Raiden Shogun the Archon Inazuma. This character uses vision electro with a bow weapon. Just like kokomi, there is no complete explanation of this character yet. So it is necessary to wait for the next leaked update to be clearer.

Regarding the release date of the characters above, rumors say that it is in early September 2021. This is still an estimate, so changes can occur depending on the policy of the genshin impact game developer.

So, that was the info about the leak Genshin Impact 2.1 New Characters. Information about kokomi and kujou sara is still minimal, so we need to wait for the next update. That’s all for the news about the Genshin Impact game this time, I hope it’s useful and see you soon.