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This is the Strongest and Sickest Uranus Build in Mobile Legends

Uranus is a Tank hero who has great damage and strong defense.

In fact, the enemy will die automatically when fighting him 1 vs 1.

However, if you want to try using this Tank hero. Here we have a list of the strongest and most painful build recommendations.

Let’s just check below. Checkidot!

Build Uranus Strongest and Sick

Build Uranus Strongest and Hurt

1. Warrior Boots

For the first item Uranus, you can buy shoe items Warrior Boots.

The reason is, this item can provide an additional +22 Physical Defense and +40 Movement Speed ​​Attribute.

2. Enchanted Talisman

Second, you can buy Magic items Enchanted Talisman.

With this item, Uranus can receive an additional +50 Magic Power, +250 HP, and +20% Cooldown Reduction.

Enchanted Talisman also has a unique passive that can regenerate 12% of maximum Mana every 10 seconds overall.

3. Oracle

Oracle is the third item that is suitable for use Uranus to be able to help defense during the mid game.

Where, this defense item can add +850 HP, +42 Magic Defense, and +10% Cooldown Reduction.

Other than that, Oracle also has a unique passive that can give Shield Absorption and HP Regen by 30%.

4. Brute Force Breastplate

Next, you can use items Brute Force Breastplate.

This item can provide an additional +770 HP and +45 Physical Defense for Uranus.

And thanks to its unique passive, Uranus can increase Movement Speed ​​by 3%, Physical and Magic Defense by 4 times. Lasts for 5 seconds.

5. Dominance Ice

During the late game, item Dominance Ice it can strengthen defense Uranus.

The reason is, this item can add +500 Mana, +70 Physical Defense, +5% Movement Speed, and +10% Cooldown Reduction Attributes.

Dominance Ice also has a unique passive that can reduce Movement Speed ​​by 10% and Attack Speed ​​by 30% to nearby enemies.

6. Immortality

Last item Uranus, you can use items Immortality.

With this item, Uranus can receive an additional +800 HP and +40 Physical Defense.

Also, has a unique passive that can revive Uranus after being defeated and get 15% HP and a Shield that can absorb 300-1000 damage.

Also Read >> Build Brody Tank Mobile Legends by BREN KarlTzy, Marksman Becomes Thick!

So, that was the list of build recommendations Uranus strongest and sickest in Mobile Legends 2021.

How about you, are you interested and want to try the build recommendations? Uranus above isn’t it? Thank you, hope it’s useful