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Detailed Explanation About Valentina's Skills in Mobile Legends

Valentina is a new hero who is rumored to be present in the MOBA Mobile Legends (ML) game soon, Valentina is the hero that players have been waiting for. Because, this mage hero will have a skill that can imitate the enemy's ultimate hero skill, so that skill can be used as a counter pick for all the skills possessed by all heroes in Mobile Legends (ML).

New Hero Valentina's Skills in Mobile Legends

Valentina has the codename "Prophetess of The Night" has 3 active skills and 1 passive skill like Mobile Legends (ML) heroes in general. Valentina has a role as Reap and Burst , all skills possessed by Valentina are Burst-Damage skills, which are very useful for killing enemies.

Skill 1: Shadow Strike

Valentina's 1st skill can be used to attack the enemy and mark the enemy. Enemies who are hit by Valentina's 1st skill again when the mark is active will get a Confused Effect similar to Vexana's 1st skill.

Skill 2: Arcane Shade

Skill 2 Valentina is a blink skill that can do damage to nearby enemies. Valentina when using skill 2 will reset the Cooldown of Valentina's 1st skill, so it can be used directly. Skill 2 can also be used 2x for players who play aggressively.

Skill Ultimate: I Am You

Valentina's Ultimate Skill is a copycat Skill, which allows Valentina to imitate an enemy's Ultimate Skill and use it. Not only that, the Cooldown on the Ultimate-Skill will also follow the Cooldown of Valentina's overall skill which only lasts for about 20 seconds more, allowing Valentina to spam skills such as Odette, Eudora, or Aurora Ultimate Skills in a short time. If you use this Ultimate Skill to steal Ultimate Skills from heroes like Yu Zhong , Valentina will turn into dragon mode with 4 active skills which is quite annoying for enemies!

Passive Skill: Primal Force

In addition, Valentina has a passive skill, Primal Force, which when used will give EXP for every skill that hits the enemy hero. Which means that Valentina has an advantage by killing enemies in the early game. Valentina also has an additional effect, namely the HP regen effect of 50% of the damage she gives when fighting an enemy of an equivalent or lower level.

Yep indeed Valentina at first glance is a very OverPowered hero, but that doesn't mean Valentina has no weaknesses at all. If you pay attention, Valentina's passive skills are Valentina's strengths and weaknesses, when a player can't take advantage of it, or the enemy is at a higher level than Valentina. Valentina will be out of level, and her passive skills will not be active.

Valentina does seem to be a META hero with all her Skill-Sets. Valentina has the potential to be used as a counter pick for the current META heroes, and seems to be suitable for playing in the Exp Lane with her passive skills.