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How to save quota settings while watching streaming youtube videos

How to Save Quota Settings While Watching Youtube Streaming – Besides hobbies and entertainment, Youtube is a video repository that has a lot of information like news information, educational information in the form of tutorials and much more. With today’s fast connections, watching YouTube is becoming increasingly popular.

How to save quotas when watching YouTube videos cover

However, the limited contingent at a very expensive price is taken into account. You can imagine a 3GB contingent valued at the cheapest price of 50 thousand that can only be used for YouTube for a few days, it will destroy our pockets and purses.

Also read: How to save quotas for all Android versions

There are several ways to save odds that I will teach you to watch YouTube with the latest Opera Mini which has many new features including saving odds while watching videos on YouTube. The new updated feature allows you to stream YouTube very efficiently, although the quota is small and the internet is a bit slow, known as the “Video Boost” feature. With new functions, Operamini enables the video quality to be reduced, but still worth seeing.

How to use the video boost feature on Operamini

  1. Download first Opera Mini web browser at the latest directly over Load game
  2. Open the Opera Mini application and select the logo “Ö“is red in the lower right corner.
  3. Select “Save Mode”High“and check functions”Boost videos
    Quota saving setting 1
  4. Go to the menu settings Select layout, switch to the mode “tablet
    2 Settings for saving quotas

How to save odds watching Youtube
In this way, watching YouTube without buffering, even if the quality is reduced, automatically saves odds.