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How to get a dog and train it in Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley

Dogs are one of the animals that you can keep in Harvest Moon [HoLV].Well, this time the gamelmit will discuss about the dogs in Harvest Moon [HoLV] especially how to get and train it because later the dog will be very important to help you get the Power Berry.


Read also: How to get power berries and their 12 locations in Harvest Moon [HoLV].

How to Get Dogs in Harvest Moon [HoLV]
Previously you couldn’t keep a dog because it was still wild. The first thing you have to do in order to get a dog is to put food in a bowl in front of the house using fruit, milk, eggs, and so on. Try every day to get a dog quickly. .

After about 2-3 weeks or you can lift the dog using the x button then you have managed to get a dog. There are 2 types of dogs in Harvest Moon [HoLV] namely dogs with red ribbons and blue ribbons with erect ears.

Even though you’ve managed to get a dog, you have to keep feeding it and don’t forget to lift it to increase the dog’s heart. If it’s raining and you don’t have a cage, just put the dog into the house and keep feeding it in a bowl and lift it. However, if you already have a cage, you can leave it alone. A cage can be made using 10 lumber and 5000 gold in the Woody Carpentry.

How to Train a Dog in Harvest Moon [HoLV]
Once your dog has at least 1 heart you can train it using an ocarina that you can buy at Louis’s shop.

Play Ocarina in front of the dog by holding down the square button then followed by pressing the command button. Here’s a list of commands that can be done:

Sitting: up, left, up.
Silent: up, down, down.
Approaching: left, right, right.
Search for items: down, left, up.
Jump: left, up, right.
Request: down, up, up.

• If you are confused left and right you can follow the location of your hands.
• If the dog has not been able to carry out the command you ordered then the dog is not close enough to you, just keep feeding and don’t forget to lift it so that the friendship level quickly increases.

Okh, that’s how to get a dog to train it in Harvest Moon [HoLV].