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Facebook Star Price List, 1 Star How much is in Rupiah?

Facebook Star Price List – Last year, Facebook released Facebook Gaming which is specifically for gamers or game fans. Like mixer or twitch, facebook gaming is a platform that allows every user to play games while broadcasting them live or live streaming.

Not only to seek popularity, but this platform can also be used to make money. Content creators or streamers can earn money from 3 ways, namely advertisements (ads), fan support (subscriptions) and stars which are the currency of Facebook gaming. Stars obtained from fans can be exchanged for real money.

Facebook Star Price List
Facebook Star Price List

So these stars are the currency on the Facebook gaming platform. Users can buy it first with the cheapest price is IDR 8 thousand for 25 stars. Then they can send it to their favorite streamer. For content creators, each star can be redeemed for a value of $0.01 USD.

Facebook Star Price List

Many are asking how much is 1 star? When you want to buy there are several packages to choose from from 25 stars to 1400 stars. For the full price list, please see below:

  • 25 stars IDR 8.000,-
  • 50 stars IDR 15.000,-
  • 220 stars IDR 55.000,-
  • 530 stars IDR 130.000,-
  • 1400 stars IDR 310,000,-

So if someone asks 10000 stars, how much is the rupiah? please just multiply by the value above. More or less it will probably spend around Rp. 2 million.

How to Buy Facebook Stars

To buy stars, you can buy directly when there is a live broadcast or live streaming from content creators. The method is as follows

  1. Go to the page of the video creator who is live
  2. Tap the asterisk next to write a comment
  3. You can see the star balance you have on the top left
  4. Please tap buy star, if you want to add facebook star
  5. There are already available a number of packages and prices as listed above.
  6. Follow orders from google play or apple store to make payments
  7. Finished

Well, that was the price list for Facebook star and how to buy it. Please support your favorite streamers by sending stars for them. Thus they will continue to do live streaming. good luck