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Diablo: Immortal Officially Enters Alpha Test And Becomes a Free Game!

Blizzard Entertainment officially announced that its newest game title Diablo: Immortal immediately enter the alpha test stage.

This means that soon they will open the game to be played in general (although it has to be chosen).

The trial invitation will be sent to those who register for the game via Google Play Store in Australia.

Blizzard also invited a select few lucky “community members” to try the title for the first time.

Diablo: Immortal itself is a mobile platform game title from franchise games RPG Blizzard.

This game is a special game for the first mobile platform from the developer.

The developer also confirmed that Diablo: Immortal will be playable for free with in-app purchases.

All core game content, including character classes and dungeons will be free for you guys to try!

In addition to interesting content, they also offer a battle pass that you can complete.

Diablo Mobile

Not only that, Diablo: Immortal have a market or market players.

This market feature is not free trading, guys, so you can’t use real money to buy various items.

Instead, players can use the market feature to sell and buy items such as gems or in-game currency.

Blizzard stressed, that the only way to obtain equipment was to kill monsters.

In this alpha test stage, players can choose one of four different classes such as Barbarian, Monk, Demon Hunter, and Wizard.

Players also have access to seven open-world zones and six dungeons.

This game will bring MMORPG, so you can explore while watching other players or even team up with them.

Features such as clans will also be provided for those of you who prefer to play in groups.

Also Read >> 8 Reasons Why You Should Patiently Wait for the Release and Play Diablo Immortal

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