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Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

Diona is a really waifuable loli to be a woman hahaha besides being a waifu you can also turn her into a support that supports the game. On this occasion, Carakute will discuss the development of Diona Support Genshin Impact.

We’ll discuss build support for Diona in detail, starting with the weapons that must be used, appropriate artifacts, the right group composition, and ending with talent upgrades that must take precedence over others.

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

First of all, we need to know the right party composition for Diona. If you are using Diona as a support, the most suitable DPS game is Diluc or Klee. You have the pyro element, which in combination with Diona can cause elemental reactions Melt.

But if you don’t have both, you can use Keqing or Razor as the main DPS. When cryo meets electro, a reaction element is created Superconductivity which decreases the enemy’s DEF.

Diona support weapon

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

As support, Diona is only needed to bring her skills to bear. Therefore, the most suitable weapon is a weapon with status Recharge energy

Some examples of weapons you can use are: Sacrificial arch or Favonius war bow. The weapon has a fairly high energy charge. God willing, Diona’s ulti is filled quickly.

Diona support artifact

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

Not much different from the Xinyan Sub-Dps build, you can use artifacts too noblesse oblige or Beloved virgin. Here you can freely choose which artifacts you want to use.

What is the difference between the two types of artifacts? The difference lies in the buff or bonus given by the two artifacts. So if 4 artifacts are linked together, it will give your character a buff.
noblesse oblige will increase DMG elemental burst by 20% and after elemental burst increase 20% ATK against all team members. Whereas Beloved virgin Increases the recovery of the character by 15% and when you cast Elemental Blast, the recovery of all team members is increased by 20%.

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

In order to determine the status of the artifact, Diona Support needs the status of energy charge, HP%, ATK% and healing bonus or HP% for frost (crown artifact). Charging energy for Diona is very important here because when there is minimal ER it will take a very long time to use the Ultimate.

Diona Support Talent Upgrade

Build Diona Support Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts, talents

Similar to the Bennet support build, Diona as a supporter only focuses on elemental skills and elemental bursts. So here we have to focus on talent Icy paws (their elementary skill) to make shields, and Signature mix (Elemental Explosion) to heal the team group.

Please focus on these 2 talents if you are stuck or maxed out then update other talents. However, instead of wasting morale on normal attacking talents, it is better to upgrade your DPS playing talent to make it sharper.

I think it’s enough that we took this opportunity to discuss our Diona Support Genshin Impact Build here. Hopefully this discussion can help friends make a character more effective and efficient.