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Best Build for Xinyan in Genshin Impact

Xinyan is one of the new characters Genshin Impact which was released in patch 1.1 ago. He is a four star character with Claymore weapons and fire/Pyro elements like Diluc. But if Diluc have the ability to become the main DPS/carry character in the team, Xinyan functions more as a support that provides a shield as well as significant Pyro damage.

Best Build for Xinyan in Genshin Impact

In this article, we will discuss how to build a good one for Xinyan in Genshin Impact.

Xinyan Weapon

Xinyan Weapon

Xinyan is a character that should be installed as support or secondary DPS. His task when entering the battle is to create a shield and produce as much Pyro damage as possible. Therefore a suitable weapon for this character should help him carry out these two tasks.

  • The Unforged: This new weapon seems to be specially made for Xinyan and Noelle. This weapon makes your shield stronger and gives a bonus attack to your character. This will certainly increase the value of the shield that you will use often. This weapon can also make it a source of DPS that is worth considering.

  • Whiteblind: Another weapon suitable for Xinyan is a free weapon that you can make in Blacksmith. Whiteblind provides additional defense which means it makes Xinyan’s shield stronger. In addition, this weapon also has the effect of increasing your attack and defense even higher every time you land an attack. This means that Xinyan’s shield has the potential to be even stronger.

  • Favonius Greatsword: This weapon doesn’t actually add value to Xinyan’s skills. But in exchange this weapon effect allows you to get more energy. From there you should always have Elemental Burst ready to use.

Xinyan Artifacts

Xinyan Artifacts

Option set Artifact and stats for Xinyan depending on the role he holds in the team.

  • Gladiator(2) + Bloodstained Chivalry(2): If you want to use Xinyan for DPS, your preferred set is a pair of Gladiators and Bloodstained Chivalry. Since you want to find damage from normal attacks, the stats you are looking for are of course ATK%, CRIT Rate, and Crit Damage. This will significantly increase Xinyan’s damage output, both from Elemental Skills, Burst, and ordinary attacks.

  • Noblesse Oblige(4): If you want to use Xinyan as support, the full set of Noblesse Obelige is the best choice. This set will allow Xinyan’s Elemental Burst to produce greater damage. Then in order to maximize Elemental Skill and Burst, look for Artifacts that give DEF%, Pyro Damage, and CRIT Damage/CRIT Rate%.

Team Setup

Team Setup

Characters who can provide shields can actually be included in any team. But the shield from Xinyan can have a unique effect that is Pyro damage every two seconds. It’s just that in order to use the damage you have to be near the enemy.

Due to the shield effect, Xinyan suitable to be paired with melee / melee characters that can produce other elemental damage from close range. Fortunately you have many options that meet these criteria ranging from Qiqi, Keqing, Beidou, Razor, or maybe Kaeya. Who is really a match to be paired with Xinyan depending on his role in the team. For example, if you become a support, Razor Of course it would be a perfect match.

Besides Elemental Burst Xinyan can also be combined with other AoE skills to produce Elemental Reaction. Diona, Lisa, and Mona for example being able to setup with their Burst before Xinyan do a follow-up with the Burst that he has. A character with a strong Burst like Keqing is also suitable to be a follow-up after Burst from Xinyan.

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As a character who can provide shields to his team, Xinyan is a pretty useful character on many teams. Then coupled with Pyro’s high damage potential, he can be a flexible asset that can have a big impact on many teams.