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3 most powerful Fanny Counter heroes in Mobile Legends

How to fight Fanny ml - How to beat Fanny

The most powerful fanny counter hero – The very agile assassin hero in the game Mobile Legends is Fanny’s hero. This hero assassin is indeed quite feared by most of the players, especially if the fanny user is very good or professional at handling the hero.

Fanny is one of the heroes in the Mobile Legends game that has been around long before other assassin heroes like Gusion, Selena, Hanzo, and other heroes.

Previously, this Fanny hero was consuming very little energy, so it could be said that this one hero was very overwhelmed in the early era of its release. But for now, Fanny’s heroine has gotten a reduction or a nerf, as in her very lavish use of energy.

Even so, Fanny’s hero is still widely used, especially by those who are still interested in using Fanny’s hero.

Despite many nerfs, Fanny’s hero is also still listed in the category of one of the deadliest heroes. So what are the heroes who can fight Fanny? Or can Fanny counter so that she is completely helpless?

Because of this, friends of ML players may see some of the hero lists below who are able to fight Fanny and counter her until she stops moving at all. Here are 3 of the most powerful Fanny Hero counters that you can try.

1. Chufra

Well, if you are looking for a hero who can really counter Fanny’s hero, then hero Khufra is one of the most suitable hero choices.

Hero Mobile Legends, who in this case has a Tank role, has an ability that Fanny can counter, which is his second ability.

This second ability of Khufra can not only counter Fanny, but also counteract several other heroes like Gusion, Kadita, Guinevere and Selena.

In addition to this, the hero Khufra’s ultimate ability is also very useful for stopping any movement of his opponents.

So if you are looking for a hero to counter Fanny, you can use Khufra. My friend is guaranteed to be able to counter Fanny if he uses the 2nd skill of Khufra.

2. Saber

The next hero Fanny can counter is the Saber hero. Hero Saber is also a hero to try out if you want to stop Fanny’s every move.

You can prepare Saber’s ultimate skill and then use it when Fanny gets closer. Fanny is guaranteed not to be able to move if she is hit by the Saber Ultimate.

Also, use the correct item as it will be very helpful in defeating Fanny.

3. Aurora

That one hero mage is very useful indeed in any situation when the battle begins. Well her name is Aurora, a hero mage who was present long before other newest mage heroes like Vale, Kadita and so on.

This Aurora hero has a passive ability that is very useful for stopping any movement of his opponents including Fanny’s hero.

Buddy can prepare passive skills of Aurora and then prepare the 2nd skill as well. Then my friend can use the 2nd ability to catch Fanny’s hero and freeze them for a few seconds.

So it is guaranteed to be very successful to make Fanny completely powerless. So don’t forget to consider Aurora as an option against Fanny.

These are 3 powerful heroes to counter Fanny so that she cannot move at all. Hopefully this informational tutorial on fighting fanny can help all ML players, yes. Greetings Gamers Mobile Legends Game.