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12 Strengths and Disadvantages of Roles / Types of Hero Mobile Legends

In the Mobile Legends game, there are 6 hero roles that have their respective strengths. With their strength they can defeat their enemies and help their teammates in battle. The following are the types of heroes in Mobile Legends and their advantages and disadvantages.

1. Marksman

Marksman is a hero who has a basic attack with the highest damage compared to other types of heroes. This type of hero is often a bone of contention when competing in ranked mode because in general each team will only use 1 marksman. The current favorite marksman is Claude and Hanabi. In addition to the two heroes, Kimmy is also a unique marksman hero because she has magic powers. The weakness of the marksman hero is that his defense is low, both physical and magic so that it can be easily killed, especially in the early game when there are no finished items.

Pros: High damage, the later the game gets sicker
Weaknesses: Low Defense

2. Mage

Mage-type heroes use their magic and spell powers to defeat opponents in a short amount of time. Usually, the hero mage skill is already sick from the early game even though the cooldown of the skill is a bit long so it can’t be used right away. Usually when using a hero mage, players will buy gear that can reduce the cooldown time of the skill (cooldown reduction). In addition, the hero mage also has a small defense like a marksman so you need to be careful not to be kidnapped by the opposing team.

Pros: High damage
Weaknesses: Low defense, old skill cooldown

3. Tanks

Hero tanks have high defense and are difficult to defeat, but they are also difficult to defeat enemies because their attack power is quite small compared to other damage-type heroes.

High defense
Low damage

4. Fighter

Fighter is a hero who has a balance between attack and defense so it is quite difficult to beat him. However, fighters also have weaknesses, which are difficult to reach heroes who have long-range attacks such as marksman.

Pros: Balanced Attack and Defense
Weaknesses: Difficult to reach distant heroes

5. Assassin

Assassin is a hero who can kill his opponents quickly in seconds. Assassins usually use their skills to defeat their opponents. The weakness is that the physical and magic defense is small and the cooldown of the skill is long so that if it fails to kill the opponent, he might even be killed.

Pros: fast kill
Weaknesses: low defense, old skill cooldown

6. Support

Support heroes usually have skills like hero mages but are more useful for supporting teams such as heal and stun. The weakness of this hero is its low defense

Pros: Supports the team with his skills
Weaknesses: low defense