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10 Strongest and Painful Heroes For By One in Mobile Legends

In the Mobile Legends game, we can play one on one or what is commonly called by one in game language. How to play it is to enter custom mode and then invite our friends who want to be invited to play or practice together. Of course the playing strategy and the hero chosen when by one can be different from when playing a team because the enemy is only one and not a group.

1. Lunox

This one hero mage is really sick from the early game. The damage from his dark power cannot be underestimated and can reduce HP quickly, especially when he has obtained the ultimate skill. In addition, the ultimate skill of the power of light is able to damage the area and make Lunox unable to be attacked. Currently, Lunox is often banned in ranked games because it is considered a dangerous hero.

2. Cyclops

In the early game, Cyclops’ damage is already painful, but the skill delay is long enough so you have to be careful not to face your opponent directly until some of the gear is ready and the skill delay becomes much faster.

3. Hayabusa

In addition to using his shadow to run away, chase enemies, or confuse enemies, Hayabusa also has a shuriken weapon that can be thrown and hit several opponents at once. This ability makes him a fearsome hunter. Not only that, his ultimate skill, Shadow Kill, really hurts when the gear is ready, it can even quickly kill opponents who don’t use armor.

4. Miya

Miya is a marksman hero with very many and varied skins. This hero is one of the strongest marksman who can be relied on either when team fights or solo fights (by one). His first skill is able to strengthen his attack and attack several opponents at once so he can hunt fast and level up quickly. His ultimate skill makes Miya disappear from the enemy’s view for a while and increases his movement speed and attack speed. In essence, about attack speed no one can match Miya when by one.

5. Fanny

Fanny is a legendary assassin hero that is very difficult to use, but if you are able to use it very professionally, you will most likely be able to win the match either by one or by team.

6. Freya
Freya is a hero that can be obtained when you top up a certain amount of money. He is a fighter type hero who has a balance between attack speed, attack, and defense.

7. Zilong

Zilong is a semi-assassin fighter hero who has pain damage and a fairly fast attack. He is a reliable tower destroyer.

8. Helcurt

Helcurt’s passive skill that can silence the opponent makes it difficult to fight. Not only that, Helcurt also has the ability to limit the opponent’s vision and increase his attack speed and movement speed. The damage from skill 2 also hurts and makes the opponent die instantly. Until now, Helcurt is still the most feared assassin and often banned in ranked games.

9. Saber

Saber is able to issue a knife that can attack the enemy from a distance so that the enemy cannot touch Saber when he uses his knife. He is also able to charge the opponent quickly and turn it off with the ultimate skill.

10. Lesley

Lesley is a semi assassin marksman hero whose critical damage is very painful. In addition, he has a passive Lethal Shot skill that makes his attack distance a little farther than other marksman.