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Top 5 Most Popular Free Android Brain Teasers You Must Try

Most popular free Android brain teasers – In addition to games with RPG or racing themes, games with the brain teaser genre are among the most popular types of games for Android users. This game has a variety of difficulty levels with a choice of levels for each game that are sure to improve and develop your brain’s creativity. this game is also very well suited to be played by you, to get rid of boredom or to fill your free time.

Lots of brain teasers that you can get on the google playstore. Of course, everyone has a different storyline and theme. Brain games from developers from Indonesia to overseas can be selected according to your needs. Of course, if you want to download this thinking game you can check out some of the reviews first, it may be an illustration for you before you download it. And here are a few The most popular free Android puzzle game that you can try to download.

Most popular free Android brain teasers

1. Guess the picture

Frame rate game

Developed by a local Indonesian developer, this game has its own set of difficulties. You have to guess two words that appear with pictures that later, when put together according to other supportive clues, make two words for you to guess. In addition, for the next level, you will be asked to guess the word in the picture, which is put together into a sentence. This game with different levels of difficulty is available for free in the Playstore.

2. Can you escape?

Game can you escape

Next, you can escape. This game is also one of the best free brain teaser games. In this game you take on the role of a detective who is arrested. You can escape and escape from the room by solving puzzles and finding some hidden objects behind the room to open the main door.

3. Crossword puzzle

Crossword puzzle

Crossword puzzles are one of the games that is quite well known and popular with the general public as well. You are also welcome to play crossword puzzles that are sure to sharpen your brain on your Android smartphone. Games available for free on this playstore not only can sharpen your brain but also train your memory by playing this crossword puzzle game.

4. Roll me off

Play me roll out

Next up is Unroll me. The brain teasers in this game are pretty simple, but you need to think extra hard to win this game. In this game you have to connect the paths like a puzzle so that later the ball that was on the starting line can continue to roll towards the goal area. So strategy and accuracy are required to play this game.

5. 2048 number puzzle game

2048 number puzzle game

The concept of this game is to combine a bingo game with a puzzle. In this game you have to move the number blocks to an empty space, after which you also have to multiply a number by 2048 on a line. You win this game if you manage to count 2048 or 1024 to infinite which means endless.

Also read:

Here are a few types The most popular free brain teaser game that you can try to play to fill your free time. Hope it’s useful.