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New Masha Hero Fighter Mobile Legend Crazy HP 3 Bar Anti Dead

Okay folks, greetings players, on this occasion we will be discussing the game which is Moblie Legends, again folks, we will be surprised by Moonton’s breakthrough which released hero mobile legend Guys with special rain damage. This time the fighter who brings back the fighter’s popularity is going to go up I think folks.

The new legend of Masha Hero Fighter Mobile published by moonton is really insane folks why is it because Montoon doesn’t hesitate to instantly give 3 HP bars to this hero. 3 times. Wow, can you imagine guys, 3 HP bars, when is this hero gonna die, if that’s the case, try …? Further add the characteristic of this hero attack with vital items, how the enemy who sees it is not afraid to run away, not only that Jung gives Moonton also a fourth ability to regenerate lost HP 3 bars, then the fight goes 1 Bars lost, if the fourth skill is suppressed, your hero’s HP will automatically be reset to 3 bars. Isn’t that crazy, Moonton? Hahaha.

So you are now a Fighter Hero User Moonton is friendly to Fighter Users, because in the current season different types of Fight Heroes are released by Monton. So, Fighter Masha is still on the Advance server, friends, maybe Moonton will send it to the original Mobile Legends server, so don’t be late for any gamer user server, we have mastered the hero’s skill. To learn more about this hero, let’s take a look at the following review

from the description above:

  1. Masha’s 1 Fighter Skill can give energy to the enemy for a long time and cause a slow for 2 seconds, and when the energy is hit by the enemy it causes a disarming effect for 2 seconds. and can pick up an ax to end the disarming effect.
  2. Masha’s 2nd skill will use her cell phone, instead increasing her movement speed by 20% and dealing physical damage equal to 3.5% of the enemy’s maximum HP. for every second Masha loses 1.5% of her HP.
  3. Masha will use her HP 50% to attack the opponent and in return, will inflict Pysucal damage and slowing effects
  4. Fighter Masha restores her HP to 80% or 1 bar.

Reviews of Build Items, Emblems, and Fighter Masha’s spells

  1. Emblem can use fighter / assassin
  2. when the spell itself seems appropriate, cleanse, age, and sprint
  3. while the corresponding build internal according to Admin
  4. First we buy warrior boots to add physical defense because the downside of fighter Masha is that the defense is quite thin, or you can also try using fast boots to get the overall speed as only these shoes offer 80 movement speed.
  5. second, we buy Haas’ claws useful for physical life robbery, and this item is highly recommended as it has a passive ability, if HP is below 40% it will add 10% life robbery so this item has 100% physical life robbery or you can get it through this demon hunter too -Sword Replace Item has a small physical lifteal, but the benefit is that it has attack speed.
  6. Third, we buy the Scarlet Phantom item, to give critical attack speed. because I think this hero is fit for receiving an attack speed critical attack.
  7. Fourth, we buy scythe for corrosion This item is very necessary for this hero as this item is passive besides attack speed, it also gives slow effect to the enemy, so it is equivalent to Masha’s 3rd fighter skill, which deals slow effect and damage to the enemy.
  8. Fifth, we buy Berserker’s Furry The goal is to add critical morphs and deal critical damage so that this Masha fighter’s physical attack feels very painful.
  9. Sixth, we buy a blade of despair The last damage penetration item that is always used for every core hero we have to use for Fighter Masha as well. In addition to having a physical attack of 150, Karan also gives an extra movement pin to the hero who uses it.

how to get fighter masha. used

This hero is not your typical fighter who is difficult, but this hero has to be smart too. We use its abilities because if we are not careful, this hero ability can absorb our own HP.

  1. As usual, the fighter’s job is to be solo and keep the turent in top lane, as this hero is not your typical hero who can be immediately used for war in the early game.
  2. At least make it a physical life steal, then help out your roaming friends. Do not forget to delete the line for ganking.
  3. because the combo itself of this hero is skill 3 + skill 2 then skill 1. and pay attention to how many bars there are when you want to use the skill, because skill 3 and skill 2 of this hero are enough to drain HP .
  4. then don’t forget to use Skill No. 4 often when our HP bar is used up to regenerate HP.

Maybe this is just a review about the new Masha Hero Fighter Mobile legend Crazy HP 3 Bar Anti-Dead, hopefully it will be useful for all visitors and don’t forget to read other interesting tips from this simple blog, thanks.