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How to sell Hero Mobile Legends easily – Lots of heroes, but no use? Just sell it. How to Sell Heroes on Mobile Legends. It is pretty good to make money!

Have you ever felt sorry for buying the wrong Mobile Legends hero? Mimin I think everyone who visited this post must have experienced that before, right. But it’s okay, Mimin herself likes to go crazy when she has a lot of battle points and likes when she buys a hero. Whatever looks interesting, Mimin will definitely buy it.

But in the end it will definitely never get used, especially if the damage doesn’t hurt, it’s really on top! This dilemma is nothing compared to the news that Moonton is about to release a new hero who is OP alias of Power.

Imagine if you run out of battle points to buy useless heroes and you hear the news that there is going to be a new hero with overwhelming abilities, who isn’t sad? I want to sell this useless hero.

Is it really possible? You can!

How to sell Hero Mobile Legends easily

For those of you who are low on Battle Points, you can use this method to sell your stacked heroes. Not bad, you can add your missing battle points to buy OP heroes.

1. Open the Mobile Legends game
2. Select menu backpack the one at the bottom right

Tap the backpack button

3. Look for all the heroes who have the coin logo as shown below

Sell ​​Hero Mobile Legends

4. Select the hero, then click Sell
5. Then your battle points will increase quickly

Yes, not much, but by selling the hero you can pay in installments to buy a new hero. Or if you are impatient and want to get a lot of coins, please see the article on how to get ML battle points that we published earlier.

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Thank you for reading this article, I hope this article is useful. And for you, hopefully soon, you can buy a new hero by selling your old mobile legend hero, huh!