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Haas' Claw, item with the greatest Lifesteal addition - Mobile Legends Item Tutorial

Haas Claws Guide Mobile Legends

Haas Claws is one of the life-grabbing items in the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Haas Claws is an attack item, so this item is typically used by marksmen and battle heroes.

Robbery of life is HP regeneration when you attack the target, be it hero or non-hero, by you. using Basic attack. So if you attack a jungle hero, monster or servant with regular attacks (with no skills), your blood will be filled.

Features of Haas Claws Mobile Legends Items

In this article, Cecepkocep will now share with you the Haas’ Claws item in the Mobile Legends game. What is the function of this article? How is it different from Endless Battle and Bloodlust Ax? To get the answer, let’s see the discussion below.

Base status

Haas’ Claw item only gives an extra +70 physical attack it’s okay guys. That’s all. If you add the basic status, maybe this article can Superior force You.


Haas Claws Mobile Legends

The first passive of this Haas Claw item is to give you an additional + 20% Life Steal. You have to be careful folks, when adding this life robbery is a unique passive, not a base status. Why is it used as a passive voice?

Because if you add it to the basic status, you can give the stack the lifesteal effect. If the Haas Claws Lifesteal effect is used as the base status, maybe you can stack or stack 5 Haas Claws items at a time for an additional 100% Lifesteal. If that’s the case, it’s definitely an automatic win.

Haas Claws second passive is pretty terrible, folks that adds another 10% life steal when your HP is less than 40%. Unless you are stunned with fast attack speed and good positioning, you are unlikely to die.

Haas Claws vs Endless Battle

Haas claws give you a very large life steal which is 30% if your blood is less than 40%. You, your blood is more than that, the lifeblood you get is only 20%. Adding + 20% Lifesteal is a passive stat, not a base stat.

Endless Battle Mobile Legends

Which will Difference between Haas Claws and Endless Battle was the lifesteal effect there was. Haas Claws offers the passive additional life steal. Added during Endless Battle + 15% life steal on base value. So if you buy 2 Endless Battles you will get + 30% life steal. Because the Endless Battle item’s Lifesteal is a base status, not a passive one.

So when you buy Haas Claws and Endless Battle items, you get an additional 35% Life Steal. So don’t be surprised if Alucard and Ruby users use these two elements.

Haas Claws vs Demon Hunter Sword

As I talked about in previous articles. have discussed Demon Hunter Sword Items , the resulting lifesteal effect is unique. The demon hunter sword item’s lifesteal effect is applied gradually, not all at once.

Demon Hunter Sword Mobile Legends

The demon hunter sword item gives you an additional 4% life steal after 1 normal attack. The maximum life stealing effect of this item is 20%. So you have to perform 5 normal attacks to get an additional + 20% life steal. This lifesteal effect is also passive demon hunter sword, not the basic state.

While Haas Claws give you an additional + 20% life steal at once, no gradually. If you make 1 basic attack you will get 20% life time. On the Demon Hunter Sword item, 1 basic attack only generates 4% life steal.

Haas Claws vs Bloodlust Ax

The Haas Claws life robbery works when you attack the target with a simple attack. If you attack the target with a skill, you will not gain life steal. The lifeblood effect only works with normal attacks. The lifeset effect of Demon Hunter Sword, Endless, Battle and Rose Gold Meteor is also the same, meaning you have to activate it with a basic attack.

Bloodlust Ax Mobile Legends

Then what about the Bloodlust Ax item? This item does not give you a life-seal effect, but does give you a spell vampire. When the lifesteal effect works with normal attacks, the vampire spell works when you attack the target with abilities.

Haas Claws is very suitable for heroes who rely heavily on basic attacks like Moskov, Alucard, and Zilong. While Bloodlust is very suitable for heroes who rely heavily on skills, like Hayabusa, Lancelot, Leomord, and Alpha.

Support article

Haas Claws give you + 20% Life Steal. This effect is calculated based on the damage you inflict on the target. For example, if you deal 1000 damage, you will get 200 HP regeneration (life steal). The following elements are supportive elements in order for Haas Claws elements to function effectively.

Berserker’s rage

The Lifesteal Effect is derived from the number of physical attacks you give the enemy, including critical damage Even. Remember guys, critical damage is going to do physical attack you get bigger. Critical damage increases your physical attack by 2 times or more.

Berserker's Fury Mobile Legends

This is how you can buy Subject of the berserker’s rage so the lifesteal effect you get is very big too. The greater the physical attack you give, the greater the HP regeneration you will get.

Scarlet Phantom

Scarlet Phantom Mobile Legends

Not only do they require high damage, but they too Attack speed so that the lifesteal effect you have is also more effective. A high attack speed will make your HP regeneration faster. Here’s how you can buy Scarlet Phantom to help Haas Claws items perform at their best.

Who doesn’t fit?

Any heroes who rely on basic attacks are very good at buying Haas Claws items. Because the Lifesteal effect only works with a basic attack. Then who are the heroes who don’t really fit in with the Haas Claws subject?

Alucard Viscount Mobile Legends

First is Hero magician. This hero role is more skill based than simple attacks. Also, the damage they do is not physical damage, but magical damage.

Second, a hero who exudes a lot of skills compared to simple attacks. Assassin heroes typically don’t suit Haas Claws because they rely on skills. Heroes like Alpha, Leomord, Fanny, Clint, and Lesley are unsuitable for using Haas Claws.

When was it bought?

Haas Claws are usually bought after your footwear item is ready. So you can buy Haas Claws in the second or third slot. Don’t play too aggressively at the beginning of the game because this item will help you survive the game.

That’s the discussion on this time Haas’s Claws items in the Mobile Legends Bang Bang game. Don’t forget to check out Cecepkocep’s blog for more information.