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[GUIDE] Tips and tricks for playing Mobile Legends for beginners

Tips and tricks for playing Mobile Legends for beginners – There are actually a lot of players in the PC version of Dota 2, even to us it doesn’t seem familiar. Since Dota 2 is like a competitive game that can be missing in every internet cafe, this game appears in the mobile version. In fact, playing Mobile Legend isn’t 100% the same as playing Dota 2, but at least it’s similar.

You can download this game from the Google Play Store using the keyword Mobile Legends Bang Bang. If you are originally a Dota gamer and have enough android enough to play this mobile legend, you surely want your account to be the best.

When playing Mobile Legend, it’s natural that everyone wants to be a great gamer. However, if you are new to the game, or are commonly known as a “newbie”, you will need to learn from the beginning. On this occasion, I’m going to share tips and tricks about playing Mobile Legend for beginners so you can learn things about Mobile Legend as well as tips and tricks.

The best Mobile Legends Hero for beginners


I mention this hero’s name because you’ve had this hero since you first played Mobile Legends. Indeed, the logic of the heroes that are available for free at the start is not good, but it is different from this one hero.

Layla has 3 main abilities that are very offensive and this ability can make your opponent bleed badly and even die. This hero is suitable for destroying towers, as Layla from level 12 can attack the tower from a safe area so that the tower cannot shoot us.

This Layla relies heavily on her basic attacks, so she does very well when equipped with items that increase attack speed. Even if you keep attacking your enemy, you will do more damage.

Then the guide is on how to use Layla’s Heroes in Mobile Legends Farming by Killing Creeps by Spamming the Malefic Bomb Skill. Then kill the creep ASAP and return to the line you filled in so you don’t lose Exp and Gold from Creep Lane.

When I explained what the advantages of Layla in Mobile Legends were, the disadvantages were in terms of defense. This Layla has very weak defense and is very easy to die if attacked by an aggressive and fast hero. The right article is therefore needed to cover this shortcoming.

Also read: Easy ways to get the free hero Freya in Mobile Legends

Below are mobile legend items for Layla’s heroes, including the following:

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