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Build equipment items Fanny Mobile Legends Top Global

Build equipment items Fanny Mobile Legends Top Global

Hero Fany Mobile Legends is the hardest to use hero in Mobile Legends game. This hero has a super duper difficulty setting which is difficult to use compared to other heroes to be able to control the right timing to attack the enemy.

Build equipment items Fanny Mobile Legends Top Global
Fanny Mobile Legends

Hero Fanny can buy it in the shop at a price of 24000 Battle Points or 499 with Diamond a Fanny that cannot fly, but if my friend can control Ms. Fanny’s cable, my friend with Fanny can very easily become a professional player because behind the difficulty of controlling the fanny damage, the fanny damage is very painful, for example the position of 1 against 3 fanny against 3 enemies or 5 can win fanny when she goes wild, agility of this hero is very solid, but when he feeds, get ready, friends, to be bacotinated by the country fanny team. therefore learn to use Hero Fanny from practice (new mode to use hero training).

Story of Hero Fanny Mobile Legends

Although just an ordinary person, Fanny has never given up her dream of flying. he built himself a kind of steel hook, hoping to use it to hold on to cliffs and float between mountain peaks. After countless training sessions in her environment, Fanny had finally mastered this technique, the people who saw her floating in the air called her the blade of freedom.

Now that you’ve read Land Of Dawn or the Story of the Top Global Hero Fanny Mobile Legends, you need to know the abilities of Fanny’s hero:

  • Air Superiority (Passive)
    Fanny’s flight damage can be increased by 15-30% depending on the flight speed and leaves a trail of loot on the target that can be stacked 2 times. When attacking a target with a loot mark, Fanny Energy is restored by 10 points per stack.
  • Tornado Strike (Active 1)
    Rotates the sword, dealing 260 (+ 90% physical attack) physical damage to nearby enemies.
  • Steel cable (active 2)
    Throws the cable that pulls Fanny to the obstacle she meets first. Each successive use within 3 seconds reduces energy consumption by 1 point. If it has enough energy, tornado blow will be issued.
  • Cutthroat (ultimate)
    Attacks enemies with 500 (+ 240% physical attack) physical damage. When it hits an enemy who has a loot mark, the damage increases by 20% per stack.

after getting to know the skills of hero Fanny in this article, namely Build Fanny Mobile Legends Top Global, Fanny Top Global, Fanny Top Player, Fanny Top Local, Item Fanny, Build Fanny Savage, Item Fanny, Item Fanny Great Damage Sick Fanny , Strongest Fanny, Fanny Item, Newest Fanny Jess No Limit Item, Newest Fanny Build, Sick Fanny Build, Sick Fanny Assassin, Deadly Fanny Build, Strongest Fanny Build, Fanny Build:

Build above is the most heavily used build Hero Fanny Mobile legends before Combat spells Which hero to use Fanny:

After reading it, I, as the blog owner, thank you for friends who have read my article about Build equipment items Fanny Mobile Legends Top Global by Mas Apet, hope this article is useful and don’t forget to always support me for your attention. Thank you. .