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Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global

Build equipment Hartih Mobile Legends Top Global

Moonton has released another new hero with a very strong magical role, this hero is in the shape of a nan and has magic like a cycloc, Harith can jump continuously in battle and deal high damage in the process.

Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global
Hero Harith Mobile Legends

Harith’s hero can be bought in the shop with 3200 Battle Points and 419 diamonds. This hero has a cute face as a hero with a role mage with load / burst skills, especially his skills this hero has an active ability or short cooldown on paper and high damage. This hero becomes a popular mage hero who can compete with other mage heroes.

Harith Mobile Legends hero story

Legend has it that there was a race of ancient elves who lived in the enchanted forest in the Land of Dawn. It is often described in this story that this feline breed was small, agile, playful, independent, and well educated. but only a few know of the friendship between the Leonin elves and the moon elves.

Since childhood, Harith’s skills and wisdom have surpassed all of his peers. Harith quickly became the strongest mage in the Leonin Nation, even as strong as any other mage in the Land of Dawn. But the Leonins never leave the enchanted forest and live alone in a safe and peaceful environment. The Leonins were so pleased with their quiet life that they stopped studying magic. characteristic of the nation. Harith, who was only fifteen years old, was dissatisfied with this situation and confidently stepped out of the enchanted forest to see the outside world. .

Harith arrived in the capital of the Land of Dawn, here he joined humanity to repel the invaders of the orcs, proved himself in battle, Harith was very fond of the spirit and strong skills of Harith. People say Harith has received the post of Ethane and will soon be named Imperial Master of Magic of the Moniyan Empire. Since that day, Harith has proudly traveled the Land of Dawn to protect all justice and evil that there is.

With passion and joy, Harith knew that once he was named Master of Magic he would be the target of public criticism, committed to his dream of becoming his nation’s leader in learning magic. Harith realized that his life is only devoted to fulfilling missions from the kingdom, Harith slowly becomes lonely and difficult to understand, even when he meets another Leonine woman, Nana, he cannot speak easily, although Nana shows her affection for Harith, Harith cannot show his love for Nana, Harith believes protecting Nana from public criticism means living alone, but if the company needs his help in relation to magic, the master of magic will immediately take the dangers of evil, that exists.

After reading Land of the Dawn or Story of Hero Hairth Mobile Legends now my friend needs to know Harith’s hero skills :

  • Inspection form The Key (Passive)
    Harith gains a maximum of 60% toughness depending on the number of enemies nearby. After using the skill three times, the next step in time will deal more magical damage.
  • Time Cut (Skill 1)
    Casts a shadow of itself in the intended direction and casts the same skill. Deals a certain amount of magical damage on both sides of the skill. When the two collide, the skill explodes, dealing more magical damage to enemies in the skill area.
  • Time Difference (Skill 2)
    Move to the target, steal a series of magical attacks from nearby enemies and get a shield based on magical power. The next normal attack does additional magic damage and snare effects. When the basic attack hits the enemy, the cooldown shift is reduced by 4 seconds.
  • Matrix of Time (Ultimate)
    Summons the matrix of time on four sides. Blocks the movement of the enemy and gives a slowing effect for a few seconds. When Harith is in the Matrix of Time, the cooldown of Time Cut and Time Shift is reduced.

After relaunching Harith Hero’s skills in this article, Build Gear Item are Harith Mobile Legends Top Global, Harith Top Global, Harith Top Player, Harith Top Local, Item Harith Savage, Build Harith Savage, Item Harith ml, Item Harith Huge Damage, sick harith, strongest harith, harith item, newest no limit harith jess item:

  • Arcane boots
    Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global
  • Disaster Reaper
    Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global
  • Berserker’s rage
    Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global
  • Concentrated energy
    Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global
  • Holy crystal
    Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global
  • Divine glaive
    Build equipment Harith Mobile Legends Top Global

The build above is Build killer heroes Harith Mobile Legends then Combat spells What does Harith Held use?

Harith’s Battle Spell Heroes:

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