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Build the best and sickest Kadita Item 2021 Mobile Legends – Kadita is one of the mage heroes who has very large damage and a very long range. He also has very good posability for the size of magical heroes. It also has a long shelf life.

Kadita Mobile Legends

Although this Kadita does tremendous damage, it is not easy to make this hero effective. In fact, all of the skills he has are very extensive, such as damage, immunity, sprinting, and crowd control.

In this article, Screen Monitor will discuss more about Kadita. We will discuss the pros and cons, the skills he has, recommendations for items and tips on how to play this hero (gameplay). Let’s take a look at the rating below.

Build items from Kadita Mobile Legends

Latest Kadita Item Build 2021

The build items that I recommend are very damage-oriented. So, when using the items listed below, you need to play it safe.

1. Demon shoes

Kadita is a hero mage who relies heavily on the use of skills compared to normal attacks. Therefore, if he spams skills too often, his mana will run out. To solve this problem we can use the Demon Shoes item.

This item will make our mana very economical as every last hit on the Minian gets mana regeneration. The regeneration we get is higher when we kill or help successfully. In the late game, consider replacing this item with other shoes, such as Arcane Boots.

2nd clock of fate

The “Clock of Fate” item increases Kadita’s stamina as it gains additional HP. In addition, the mana pool will be higher. This element takes effect when combined with the next element.

3. Lightning stick

Lightning Bolt will give Kadita a cooldown reduction so we will spam skills more often. Our mana pool will also be higher. This item is also very useful for increasing magic damage as the passive ability can convert whichever one you have.

4. Genius wand

Genius wand is very useful against tank heroes who have very high magical defense. Because this item can greatly reduce the opponent’s magical defense. It becomes even more effective when combined with the previous item, lightning stick.

5. Fleeting time

Kadita is a heroine who relies heavily on skill combinations, especially her ultimate skill, which is very sick. As a result, we need to use this skill a lot so that we can participate in team fights more often. To overcome this, we can use the Time Passing item. This item reduces the cooldown of our ultimate by 35%, so we will use the ultimate more often.

6. Concentrated energy

This item works for HP regeneration. In fact, Kadita also has an HP regeneration skill from her passive, only it cannot be used all the time. Then using concentrated energy is a very appropriate step as each of our skills hits the target, then we get HP regeneration.

Emblems and battle spells

The emblem very suitable for Kadita is the Custom Magic emblem with the talent arrangement, which can be seen in the picture below. While the combat spell is very flexible, it can petrify, cleanse, or flicker. But for now, the Flaming Shot spell is highly recommended to do extra damage.

Kadita’s abilities and combos

Passive Skill: Thalassophobia

Kadita Mobile Legends passive ability

This ability makes Kadita difficult to kill in team fights. As long as she does not die, Kadita receives HP regeneration after taking damage from the enemy. The more HP Kadita loses, the more HP regeneration she receives.

With this passive ability, Kadita doesn’t have to be afraid of falling towers or bumping into enemies to get kills. Since you will get HP regeneration after 4 seconds, you will be under attack. But don’t die, okay?

Skill 1: Ocean Oddity

Ability 1 Kadita Mobile Legends

Kadita transforms into a mermaid and will summon waves. Then he rides the wave and moves in the direction he aims to deal 265 (+ 90% total magical power) magical damage. He would go back to where it was when he used this skill.

This skill also causes the enemy to be hit with a “slow” effect of 70% when hitting them. In addition, Kadita will be “immune” to all crowd controls and receive “damage reduction” when riding the waves.

You can cast Kadita’s first skill or use it twice while Skill 1 has expired or before Kadita returns to where she originally spent the skill. You can press this skill again depending on where you stop.

This skill is a source of damage to Kadita and can also be an initiation and escape tool. This skill makes it very easy to enter and exit team fights.

Why is that? Because this ability can make Kadita come out of the wave at any time. In addition, he is immune to all enemy crowd control effects and receives a damage reduction.

Well, mimin suggests prioritizing skill 1 over skill 2 when using Kadita. Because there are many benefits you will get from prioritizing this skill over other skills.

Skill 2: Breath of the Ocean

Skill 2 Kadita Mobile Legends

Kadita will conjure up an “ocean wave” or a vortex in the direction she has chosen. After a few seconds this vortex erupts and causes a “knock-up” effect on enemies above the vortex for 1.5 seconds.

Enemies in this wave vortex area are not only hit by a surge effect, but also damage with the formula 350 (+ 140% total magic strength) magic damage.

You can also immediately spend Skill 2 when Kadita uses Skill 1. If Kadita uses Skill 1, then she takes Skill 2, then stops from Skill 1. However, the vortex waves from Skill 2 will come out faster. This skill 2 will gush when Kadita is above this skill’s swirl of waves.

Kadita’s second ability, while very good control over the crowd, has a very long ‘lag’. Unless he was above the vortex of that skill wave. Thus, this skill is very easily avoided by the enemy.

You can use this skill when approaching or approaching an enemy with skill 1. This will reduce the delay of Kadita’s Skill 2. In addition, this Skill 2 makes it easier to hit the enemy.

Ultimate Skill: Rough Waves

Kadita Mobile Legends Ultimate Ability

This wave returns to Kadita and inflicts 200 (+ 40% magic power) magic power damage to enemies in the path of the wave. The damage of this skill is “reduced” when it hits the same hero multiple times.

Well, you really need to make sure that you spend this skill near the enemy. So the damage from this skill will be huge. Even with just one skill, the enemy can die.

Although the damage done by Kadita’s 3 abilities is huge, it is quite difficult to use. You can use Spell Stun or Skill 2 so that this ultimate skill doesn’t miss.

Skill combo

First, use skill 1 to approach the enemy. After actually being in the enemy’s position, use Stun (if used) then Skill 2 to get the enemy to be hit by a bump effect after a few seconds of issuing this skill.

If skill 2 knocks the enemy up, use the ultimate skill. The enemy should have died when the wave of this ultimate skill came out. If not, you can approach the enemy for damage when the wave returns to Kadita. Make sure to attack the enemy carrier heroes, especially snipers or mages.

Combo: Skill 1 – Stun / Petrify – Skill 2 + Skill 3

Kadita gameplay tips

Now that we know all of Kadita’s skills, let’s move on to the game tips. Mimin has already existed when you have to prioritize skill 1 when using Kadita.

Early games

Play it safe in the early game or from the start of the game up to the 4th minute and take skill 1 first. Then you push the opponent with skill 1 into his lane. You don’t play too aggressively if you don’t have the ultimate skill. You can’t get the most out of Kadita unless you have the ultimate.

Then you have to get to level 4 as fast as possible to get the ultimate ability. If you already have skill 1, don’t be afraid to launch attacks. Also, don’t be afraid to tower dive if you already have an ulti. However, you need to make sure your passive is active so that you can regenerate HP after being attacked by a tower or enemy.

Medium game

In this phase or in the 4th minute you should be level 4 or Kadita’s ultimate skill is already open. By this middle stage, your core items should be ready (Lightning Truncheon). When your core item is done, start wandering to another lane to look for kills, or at least stifle the growth of enemy carry heroes.

All of Kadita’s skills are very good at restricting enemy movement so you can get kills or destroy enemy turrets. Don’t be afraid to dive the tower as Kadita has passives and ultimates that can make her immune and regenerate HP. So you can be sure, even when diving with the tower.

Late game

During this phase, continue to press on the enemy together with your team. Do gank with other crowd control heroes like Minotaur. When all of your items are ready, the enemy must watch out for these skills of Kadita.

If you already own the ‘Immortality’ item, don’t be afraid to dive into a crowd of enemies, especially when all of the enemy heroes have all of their CC skills exhibited. Help your carry heroes get kills by destroying enemy formations with 1, 2 and Ultimate skills.

When played well, Kadita becomes a heroine who can control the game and even reverse team fights. Remember, don’t be afraid to dive into the enemy when there is a chance to kill the enemy’s carry hero.


When used properly, we can align this kadita with other mage heroes who are currently Over Power, namely Lunox and Harith. Although this Kadita may not be able to kill the opponent’s hero as easily as the two heroes.

However, Kadita is a heroine to be reckoned with as she can mess up enemy formations and has very good stamina. Make sure you have to practice the timing of Kadita’s skill combinations. You really need to be able to maximize all of Kadita’s skills in order for her to shine in teamfights.

This time, that’s the discussion about the Kadita Mobile Legends tutorial. Hopefully useful and good luck. Thanks very much.